An Imperial, A Rebel, And A Smuggler Walk Into A Bar...
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Author:  The Spectre [ Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  An Imperial, A Rebel, And A Smuggler Walk Into A Bar...

Imperial Mag-Pro Gunner

This deadly Stormtrooper expertly weilds a Merr-Sonn XP-45 High Output Magnetic Projectile Cannon, or "Mag-Pro" for short. The XP-45 is an updated version of a weapon that first saw use by the Grand Army Of The Republic during the Clone Wars and utilizes a magnetic pulse to accellerate a durosteel pellet to nearly the speed of light. The durosteel pellets release an incredible amount of kinetic energy on impact, many times the desructive force of a standard blaster bolt. The XP-45 fires durosteel pellets at the rate of over 10,000/minute, generating massive amounts of heat in the process. This heat generation results in barrel degregation and breakdown if not properly cooled, which is why the XP-45 utilizes a liquid-cooled rotary barrel system so that a new barrel is in place for every round fired, giving the other 5 barrels time to cool in between each shot, prolonging the operational life of each barrel. The XP-45's ammunition is magnetically belt fed from a container usually worn on the operator's back. The Ammunition container carries close to a million rounds. Both the XP-45 and the ammunition pack contain built in repulsor units to negate their weight allowing the operator nearly unhindered movement.





Figure: TAC Imperial Stormtrooper
Backpack- BBI Elite Forces
Ammo belt- Wetworks (modded)
XP-45- Marauder Gun-Runners Gatling "Mini-Gun" (modded)

Cort'ni Kreeg'r: Rebel Commando

The daring Rebel commando Cort'ni Kreeg'r had a lucrative modeling career before the Galactic Civil War broke out. Even though she was wealthy and well known from one end of the galaxy to the other, she gave it all up and joined the Rebellion after the destruction of her homeworld Alderaan, by the Deathstar. Do not underestimate Kreeg'r just because she is beautiful, she is an expert soldier and a born battlefield leader. Her beautiful face is the last thing seen by many an Imperial that has met their demise at the business end of her blaster.





Head/neck- TAC Dark Woman (modded)
Body- TAC Comic Pack Bultar Swan (modded)
Blaster- Marauder Gun-Runners PULSE RIFLE

Young Corellian Smuggler

Just a simple diorama filler. I always felt that the VOTC Han Solo was rather skinny and young looking so it fits very well as the body of a young, 18 or 19 year old character. This is just another Corellian Smuggler to put in any seedy Cantinas, spaceports, etc.





Head- ROTS crispy fried Anakin
Body/blaster- VOTC Han Solo

Author:  Tsunami [ Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: An Imperial, A Rebel, And A Smuggler Walk Into A Bar...

As always, very nice, inspired, and I love how it blurs the lines between....well lines.

Author:  gijoey [ Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: An Imperial, A Rebel, And A Smuggler Walk Into A Bar...

It amazing how diffrent the Dark woman looks just with diffrent color hair, Nice change to that figure and the kid smuggler works really well.

Author:  The Spectre [ Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: An Imperial, A Rebel, And A Smuggler Walk Into A Bar...

Glad you guys like these figures! I'm on vacation from work until 12/26 so I will be posting LOTS of new figures constantly my time off :D

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