Here's a new one. 25th Mutt! Mutt was one of the figures I had as a kid and was a favorite. Not sure why but there was something about him that I liked. So this version is an homage to the ARAH v.1 figure. I was trying to figure out a way to do the brown vest when I found the Gung-ho vest in my accessories bag. I think the removable vest fits with the 25th style. The DTC arms were what inspired the custom and the green sleeves was a near perfect match to the paint color I used for the rest of the figure. I just gave the sleeves a light coat to help everything blend better. The green without the vest was a bit much so I painted the tiger stripes on the legs to break it up a bit. And I think the tiger "camo" suits the character given his jungle training listed on the v.1 filecard. And I painted the moustache instead of sculpting it this time to see how it came out. I'm not completely happy with it but it will do until Hasbro does their inevitable version.
Head, arms: DTC Mutt
Body: 25th Duke
Mac-10: Marauder Inc.
Junkyard and nightstick: DTC Mutt
And a quick group shot of the 25th style Joes I've done so far: Rock 'n' Roll, Duke, Dial-tone and Mutt & Junkyard