sgcaper wrote:
Very nice work
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Void wrote:
Those are brilliant! Excellent work removing the scar.
Thanks, just rubbed a little green stuff in and smoothed with a wet fingertip.
past nastification wrote:
I like replacing the red sashes with the black rope. More utilitarian than we normally see the characters, but it works.
I'm glad someone noticed the rope. I meant to point it out. I thought it went well with their background as trapeze-ists. I never had the originals back in the day but my cousin did and I loved the zipline skyhook that came with them. The ropes were my homage to that.
2DARK2C wrote:
very nice.
set of customs.

the two suited bodies are awesome, then the two based on the classic look are beyond awesome!
Thank you and Thank you!
Spin Doctor wrote:
REALLY digging this take on the Twins.
The approach you took to the suited bodies is very interesting. I'm so used to the "mirror image" dynamic for these guys that going all photo negative feels very fresh. Maybe even symbolic (like the bad they do as corporate types is kind of the inverse of their evils as terrorist leaders because the former is technically legal and furthers the agendas of capitalist society while the latter is trying to topple that same structure?).
But the battle togs are just inspired. You retain the distinctive theatricality of their carnival-style outfits but enhance the practicality of the outfits about 100 fold.
Really clever and innovative.
Yes, I totally meant that symbolism....
Thanks for the kind words. I've always wanted suited versions but their original look was so unique and fun, I wanted that too. I have tried and tried since the newsculpt days to make the mirror image thing work but always fell short. Marauder made it easy to do both versions with no sculpting needed. Highly recommended.
"Have your adventures, make your mistakes, and choose your friends poorly -- all these make for great stories."
— Chuck Palahniuk
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