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In the mid-1980's, the HUGHES ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION decided to relaunch many of the intellectual properties it had acquired in the first half of the century as a block of animation projects, aimed at recruiting a younger audience and recapturing the large share of the entertainment market it had enjoyed in decades past. Taking its name from a pulp magazine anthology that had collected reprintings of the original properties under the HOWARD HUGHES PUBLISHING banner, the DISMAL TWILIGHT project had a decidedly darker tone than many of the free-spirited, high adventure properties it was based upon. This is largely attributed to Hughes' own influence over the project, as he had grown incredibly pessimistic in his advanced years about the fate of society. Eager to capitalize on untapped entertainment markets, the project moved forward despite becoming an infamous battle between the HUGHES ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION creative team's childcentric vision and Hughe's own dark concepts.
(teaser for expanding my Disney Afternoon universe)