Dart (Every Joe #59)
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Author:  past nastification [ Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Dart (Every Joe #59)

From 2002, this is Dart.

One of my favorite New Sculpt characters, Dart had a great figure. Not much to adjust for the artwork design. I even stuck close to the out-of-date WWII style helmet. Hiding the eyes under the helmet edge wasn't intentional, but I erased some of the shadow just below them to tease the fact that they're obscured.

There were several recolors of Dart, and I've been doing recolors of my drawings to match or at least carry over the different color schemes. But the later versions of Dart didn't really bring anything to the table, so I'm just sticking with the original version.

everyjoe dart.jpg
everyjoe dart.jpg [ 205.17 KiB | Viewed 555 times ]

Author:  2DARK2C [ Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dart (Every Joe #59)

probably my 2nd favorite newsculpt figure. only seeing him as an adult my first impression was native American MR. T. if they could of come up with a head like that of the guy from predator on this figure it would of been gold. I was bummed when I finally got my hands on one that the helmet didn't come off!

you did justice plus some to the design. better dimensions and just the right amount of pomp/decoration. I see the feather as a nod not only to his native ancestry ,but also to the sniper lore of carlos hathcock . sticking a white feather in your hat in jungle camo is pretty bad ass! if you do a recolor how about desert ops or nightforce black?

Author:  past nastification [ Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dart (Every Joe #59)


This might be my personal favorite piece of art.

As for the re-colors, here you go...

everyjoe dart 2.jpg
everyjoe dart 2.jpg [ 199.63 KiB | Viewed 539 times ]
everyjoe dart3.jpg
everyjoe dart3.jpg [ 222.91 KiB | Viewed 539 times ]

Author:  2DARK2C [ Mon Nov 04, 2019 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dart (Every Joe #59)

the darker tones of the nightforce version really stand out. the desert is not bad though. I really like the faint green still on his jacket in both.

Author:  chad_ghost [ Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dart (Every Joe #59)

Nice! I’ve grown to appreciate the new sculpt characters. Looks great!

Author:  MJTanner [ Wed Nov 06, 2019 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dart (Every Joe #59)

Really a cool character.

Author:  Crosshair [ Fri Nov 08, 2019 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dart (Every Joe #59)

Loved Dart back in the JvsC days, excellent work on this drawing!

Author:  past nastification [ Sat Nov 09, 2019 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dart (Every Joe #59)

Thanks, guys.

As much as I like getting feedback for my artwork, it makes me equally happy to hear people embrace NS era characters.

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