Colonel Sharp (Every Joe #81)
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Author:  past nastification [ Fri May 08, 2020 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Colonel Sharp (Every Joe #81)

Colonel Sharp showed up in the second GI Joe miniseries, replacing General Flagg (who looked like the comic book's General Austin). The comic book's General Flagg, though, looked more like a younger version of Colonel Sharp.

It's confusing to the uninitiated.

I recycled (comic book) General Flagg here as Sunbow's Colonel Sharp. It's not a direct recycle, though. The hair is age adjusted, and there are some facial changes, including age lines. The biggest change is the color switch from green to khaki. I have no idea if the khaki dress uniform was still in use in 1984 or not, but it's what the character wore in the miniseries.

everyjoe colonelsharp.jpg
everyjoe colonelsharp.jpg [ 178.68 KiB | Viewed 592 times ]

Author:  2DARK2C [ Fri May 08, 2020 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Colonel Sharp (Every Joe #81)


Author:  DarkJedi [ Fri May 08, 2020 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Colonel Sharp (Every Joe #81)

Although I have all of the cartoon on DVD, I have only seen a few episodes over the years.

GIJOE aired on Channel 11 out of NYC when I was growing up. I only got 3, 5. and 9 depending which way the wind blew, so not many opportunities to see the cartoon.

That said, I haven't figures out how to utilize Colonel Sharp in my 'verse.

I do like the khaki uniform, and I like your take on him.

Author:  past nastification [ Fri May 15, 2020 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Colonel Sharp (Every Joe #81)

Thanks, guys. Glad you like it.

It's difficult to slide him into any other continuity because he's so redundant.

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