So I'm really liking the MC-MOTU line. I've made a lot of customs and it seems like every time I finish a figure, MC announces they'll be doing an official version of the figure I just customized. So I've started looking up old lines, KOs, precursors, etc. Right now, I'm working my way through Camy's Monsters of the Galaxy. This was a true knock-off line, stealing parts from the Black Star line, MOTU line, and others. Up first, the characters of Rider and Demon (their names were as unoriginal as their designs and I'll be changing the names).
The line:
Rider is the top row, second figure. Demon is the top row, fourth figure.
Up first, Rider:
Recipe: body and head - He-Man (with hair removed). Tiger hat - sculpted. Harness - Skeletor's harness cut and painted. Sword - Faker. Shield - 3D print.
Recipe: Legs - Skeletor with flocking, Torso and Arms - Faker, Head - Beastman with sculpting, Harness - Faker with some trimming and sculpting