Snake Eyes v1-5
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Author:  Owner of a lonely B.A.T. [ Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Snake Eyes v1-5

Lets face it with near 70 version of Snake Eyes most of them are simply variations of the first five.

There are exceptions.

But the first 5 are easily the 5 I like best. So since I made a custom for v5, I thought I would take the time to do pics of the first 5.

Obviously 1-4 are straight out Hasbro produced.
v5 is all Marauder with some paint and a bit of creative cut and paste on the chest strap.


Author:  8bitboy [ Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snake Eyes v1-5

Before reading your report, I tried to imagine what you were going for. I thought your Snake Eyes was a combination of the, and actually, it is! Are the eyes reminiscent of the third Snake Eyes?

Author:  Owner of a lonely B.A.T. [ Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snake Eyes v1-5

8bitboy wrote:
Before reading your report, I tried to imagine what you were going for. I thought your Snake Eyes was a combination of the, and actually, it is! Are the eyes reminiscent of the third Snake Eyes?


Author:  2DARK2C [ Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snake Eyes v1-5

i like the hockey mask look, but the white looks out of place with such a realistic paint/build. i'd like to see what a flesh heads eyes look like too, with the scar of course. an alternate unmasked head would be great anyway so it wouldn't be a waist if the white looks better.

your custom would be a good candidate for painting like the "coming off the page/screen gp" too. some dark blue or purple shadows and a few white highlights would give it that depth and feel.

Author:  DanOfTheDead [ Fri Mar 12, 2021 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snake Eyes v1-5

I think 3 and 4 are solid looks that get a bad rap because 1 and 2 were so iconic. 5 has a lot going for it, I think your custom highlights a lot about what's working in the original design.

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