Scrooge McDuck
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Author:  Soulgem [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Scrooge McDuck

Ok, some of you may find this a bit weird, and I feel I have to explain a bit first. If you don’t like words, skip right down to the custom.

First of all, this is not me trying to be original and weird. I’m simply making Joes out of my favourite characters. I love these characters to death, I think their costume design are flawless, their personality has unlimited possibilities, and I think they would make good Joes.
Secondly, and more importantly, the ducks have a very special part in Norwegian culture. And I’m not joking on this part: They are more recognised and more influential than any other figure (including religious ones). This sounds strange, but to make an example: Carl Barks’ death was frontpage news in all the media for several days. Kids (and their parents, siblings, uncles and grandmothers) grow up reading these comics (and in most cases no other comic), and it has been the most sold comic for probably 50 years.

So, why am I making them into Joes? Well, like I said, I do believe they are good enough characters to make this transition without it being silly. Also, I have wanted to do this project for a good while, but only now do I feel my skills are good enough to justify it. In addition, it doesnt hurt that Uncle Scrooge has 60 year anniversary this year (dec 18th). Grats!
I have taken good time in finding parts, I have probably used at least three months on this first custom. That is mainly because I work like a snail on customs, but also because a lot of time has gone trying to figure out parts (and working on difficult costume details).

Scrooge McDuck - The Richest Man in the World

First some reference:







Head: Hawk v2
Torso/arms: Rampart
Feet: Cutter v2

About the custom. Obviously, there are a few key parts of the costume I wanted to capture. The sideburns, glasses and hat. The hat proved to be a misery beyond comprehension and it has bugged me for over a week. The top hat was the last part I finished, made out of modelling material, still the part I am least satisfied with. The glasses how ever, was a smooth ride, made out of plastic and some copper wire. Sideburns made out of some foam.
As for the rest of the figure, I think I got lucky with the parts. They look pretty close to the original design but still looks ”realistic” enough. Remember that Scrooge is first and foremost an adventurer, and will need the gear/clothes for the occasion.
I have used Carl Barks’ design for the figure, with red/gray jacket. But even Barks is known to vary this design. This is the most common though.
White pants? Scrooge doesnt have pants! Well in this universe, he has pants. And they are white like his ”feathery part”. Some pockets added both on belt and pants for storage of coins and smaller artifacts. Cane made by my sister out of the same material as the hat.

As you probably have understood, there are more figures like this in the works. I have one figure done, he only needs his hat. And it should not take you many guesses who it is. At least one more after that is being made.
I really hope you like this one, cause it’s a great character, I have a real affection for it, and I think I did well.

Author:  Keenan [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

I can dig it. though I probably would have passed on posting that last close-up shot (shows too many imperfections that you don't see in the other pics).

Author:  Kambei [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

I applaud you for trying to merge the two concepts. It looks completely different, and I mean that in a very good way. Nice work, looking forward to seeing the rest.

Author:  gijoey [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

Neat idea and it works well.
I might have gone with Headman legs for a skinny bird like effect and the spats.

Very cool work on the glasses.

Author:  night force cynic [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

Wow, even more random than my human re-imaginings of Jazz and Skywarp! And bloody great as a tribute to a character you hold in high regard.

Very cool, man!

Author:  Tsunami [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

looks like a Bah humbug kind of guy. perfect for the season

Author:  Immortalzodd [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

:D This is the best custom I've seen on here in a long time. So creative! And I mean the imperfections are so slight, especially considering you made glasses. The best!

Author:  Stalker [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

I kinda wanna see him with a duck bill. Maybe a SCUBA mask accessory?

Author:  danielb [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

good job soul.

you know Indiana Jones was based partially on old Scrooge McDuck. You could easily play up his adventurer side to work with the Action Team.

Author:  shadowdude82 [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

i love it soul! great use of creativity,have to let you know i was a bit "worried" when you first told me about it. but you really put those thoughts to shame:)

can we expect to see some nephews??
again-great work (nice work from your sister on that cane too).

Author:  narceron [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

wait, indiana jones was based on scrooge mcduck?


Kudos, soul, great work, its nice to see a new character being getting the treatment, :)

Author:  MarkM [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

Interesting custom. Kind of neat to see.

danielb wrote:
you know Indiana Jones was based partially on old Scrooge McDuck. You could easily play up his adventurer side to work with the Action Team.

Holy crap. You're right! (not that I doubted you, that's just that interesting.)

Author:  poisonbladed [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

It is neat to see that I am not the only one with the Duck Tales theme song running around in my head like a hamster wheel.

I truly unqiue custom and even there may be flaws I applaund your work. Its a bold step away from what we so often see here that I was absolutly floored laughing when I saw the header and I figured that someone painted a smurf toy like version of ole' Uncle Scrooge. Then I saw your work and all the obvious love and well mannered care.

Think outside the box...sir you shoved a sphere in the box an blew it to hell!

I love and can't wait to see more!

I hope that Launchpad or the Inventor is coming soon.

Author:  Soulgem [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

Thanks for comments guys. I did not know that about Indiana Jones, but it does make sense. Scrooge is the father of modern adventurers and has been chasing treasures since day one, much like Indy. Their motivations are slightly different though.

Gijoey: Not a bad idea with Headman legs, they would be cool but would lack eh those things he has on his feet. Initially I was about to go for Rampart legs, but that would be weird, using the body from only one figure.
SD82: You can expect to see nephews.
Poisonbladed: Inventor? Gyro Gearloose could be a potential character for this project yes.

Do I need a name for this universe?

Author:  gijoey [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrooge McDuck

Gijoey: Not a bad idea with Headman legs, they would be cool but would lack eh those things he has on his feet.

They are called spatz, and they're on the Headman legs. I used them for a Joker custom for just that reason.

I'm really hoping to see a Donald custom from you in the future.

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