I got these sent to me by a friend...I got to find out where he bought them. Both are radio controlled...I took them apart, cut the wells out of the top two latch compartments and cut some cardboard to fit - covers the engine inside and keeps the figures from falling down. They both work fine with the mod. Sadly...the latches on the front and back can be cut open, but the engine and drive mechanisms interfere with that space...so I let them be.
I may repaint these yet...not sure, my son likes the colors they are now...and has claimed them for his green shirt transports.
They appear to be pretty much in scale with joes. They do contain a sound speaker that has engine sounds...and the controller has a button that you push that makes the sound for the machine gun (the green camo one is missing the main gun - I'll probably attach a new one).
I know some people are looking for r/c vehicles in joe scale...and thought I would post these.