Sword of Shannara: Panamon Creel
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Author:  Doc Rob [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Sword of Shannara: Panamon Creel

Had to list this one separate, of course. :-)

This is actually the second version of this figure I've done; I wasn't happy with the original and after re-reading "Sword of Shannara" I decided to start over again. I'm much more pleased with this one and feel he much better captures the Panamon Creel Terry Brooks created in his novel.

For those not in the know, in the book "Sword of Shannara", Panamon Creel was a scarlet-clad highwayman (thief) who traveled with a mute troll named Keltset. A man of mercurial moods Creel was prone to spin tall tales about himself, leaving those who met him never quite sure what to believe. He rescued Shea Ohmsford (the books protaganist) from a Gnome patrol and ended up befriending the young half-Elf and accompanying him on his journey to find the Sword of Shannara and destroy the Warlock Lord, Brona, once and for all.

Panamon is an excellent swordsman who lost his left hand in an accident when he was younger; in its place he had a short pike fitted, which he can use in both attack and defense (and in the book, likes to stroke his moustache with it. Hate to think if he ever slipped...ouch!)

In creating this version of him, I went a step farther and left the straps on the chest, then added a backpack, since everything Panamon owns he carries with him--as a highwayman he's always on the move. I dry-brushed his clothes to give them a more worn look as well. The head I modified with Green Stuff to give him a more rakish hairstyle; the pike hand was made using Green Stuff and a wedge of a toothpick. After cutting off the left hand and hollowing out the arm there I inserted the pick and added Green Stuff around it (it popped off, though, and had to be glued in.) Overall work on him took about two months of off and on.

Two kudos and thanks go out to Cap: 1.) for providing the most excellent background for this pic (that's the Sword of Shannara in that block) and 2.) for providing me with a great broadsword to give Panamon. :-D


Parts Used:

Head: DTC Footloose
Torso, waist: VvV Dice
Arms: DTC Rollbar
Legs: VvV Cobra Commander
Backpack: ?
Sword: Uknown, but thanks Cap!
Belt: VvV Bombstrike, w/ POTC Liz Swan pistol vest attached as sword holder

Author:  gijoey [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword of Shannara: Panamon Creel

That's better,you really captured the feel of Creel with this version.

Author:  Doc Rob [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword of Shannara: Panamon Creel

gijoey wrote:
That's better,you really captured the feel of Creel with this version.

Definitely--the other one was more the version from the game "Shannara". Was interesting re-reading Shannara, something I hadn't done in about 23 years. 8-O Really helped me get the feel for things. One day I'd love to do Keltset, just not sure what parts I'd use at this point.

Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword of Shannara: Panamon Creel

Nope, never read the books (I'm an Elric man myself), but I can totally dig evertyhing I see here. I would try another wash with dullcote over the red clothing as it still looks to have a bit of a gloss to it (if that's just camera flash, then ignore). What's the recipe on the stone block, btw?

Author:  Doc Rob [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sword of Shannara: Panamon Creel

AdrienVeidt wrote:
Nope, never read the books (I'm an Elric man myself), but I can totally dig evertyhing I see here. I would try another wash with dullcote over the red clothing as it still looks to have a bit of a gloss to it (if that's just camera flash, then ignore).

The books are a great read, though I felt Brooks writing style improved immensely after "Sword" (his first novel). As for the figure, more the camera flash than anything else; I put a whole extra coat of paint over the sealer (it was waaay too shiny) and then dry-brushed it. Might be a spot or two I missed though, which I can fix between now and the final pics (want to do bigger, better shaded ones.)

What's the recipe on the stone block, btw?

Cap's going to have to answer that one, as he built it. If I had to guess I'd say foam core and specialized craft or contact paper?

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