heres my latest creation....kinda lbc but i like how he turned out.
file name: ramirez, carlos e
primariy military speciality: guerilla warfare
secondary military speciality: battlefield tactitian
mr ramirez is a international terrorist wich has recieved military training in several countries. he completed ranger school in the us army and also recieved training within the german gsg-9 unit.
he thereafter was enlisted in the usarmy again serving in both 101st airborne and 10th mountain (delta force) divisions.
it was under his time in 10th mountain he defected, he has cince been seen doing freelance work within the oktober guard,the taliban and several south american militia groups.
acording to sertain classified files he was hiered by general hawk himself to do work in sierra gordo, however this has not been oficcially made clear.
he currently is under contract with cobra where he was hiered by a terrorist known as firefly.
be advised! this man is one of the worlds most dangerous terrorists, should be considered heavily armed and extremly dangerous..
more figs-less politics!
Jimmyboy] 9:06 am: Can't hurt to ask...offer her some some $$$, chocolate, and SD