Unlike the Galactic Empire's "humans only" policies, the New Republic (formerly known as the "Rebel Alliance To Restore The Republic") allows all sentients to serve in their military and have equal rights regardless of race, creed, or planet of origin. The only requirement to serve is the desire to live free and to defend the freedoms of others.
Togruta Rebel Officer (female):
Head- Saga Shaak Ti (modded w/ piece of TSC Luke Skywalker neck)
Body- POTJ General Leia Organa (modded)
Blaster- TSC Endor Rebel Soldier
Rodian Rebel Soldier (male):
Head/hands- Commtech/OTC Greedo
Body/backpack/rifle- POTF2 Endor Rebel Soldier
Twi'Lek Rebel Soldier (male):
Head- POTF2/OTC Bib Fortuna
Body/backpack/rifle- POTF2 Endor Rebel Soldier
Commlink- G.I. Joe ARAH Lift-Ticket
Founding Member Of The CSOTC (Customize Something Other Than Clones) Society
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