Pirates of the Caribbean: Black Pearl crewman Cotton.
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Author:  MJTanner [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Pirates of the Caribbean: Black Pearl crewman Cotton.

Cotton, the mute pirate and his mouthpiece bird.

I need to fix some of the paint that much I can tell from the pics. My work area is very poorly lit and I miss a lot of paint job details until I take a figure out into the light. I need to fix the belt and add an actual belt-buckle.

What do you guys think? I think he reads well-enough as the character but not completely.

So here's the figure-


Here's a pic from the movie.

Author:  DarkJedi [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pirates of the Caribbean: Black Pearl crewman Cotton.

Finally, a Cotton figure!

I can't wait for Zizzle to release him at retail.

Okay, I think the beard needs to be whiter and he needs some kind of material (shirt/jacket/sash) hanging off his middle.

The actor is in his sixties (or seventies) so he should be scrawny-ish.

I think that's a Ben Kenobi head, but which body is that?

Nice work so far...

Author:  MJTanner [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pirates of the Caribbean: Black Pearl crewman Cotton.

DarkJedi wrote:
Finally, a Cotton figure!
I can't wait for Zizzle to release him at retail.

I would love to see an official figure but at the rate the Zizzle line is going... I doubt we'll see him.

DarkJedi wrote:
I think that's a Ben Kenobi head, but which body is that?

Kenobi head, Heavy Duty bandana with a bit of sculpey to fill it out.
It's a Capt. Jack torso (with sculpey added to the vest) and upper arms. Recondo lower arms. Tai Huang lower body.
A rubber band and part of a POTF2 Emperor robe for the sash.

Author:  Lev [ Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pirates of the Caribbean: Black Pearl crewman Cotton.

I like him. I can't think of anything that needs improvement (besides articulation ;)), he looks about like what I'd expect a Zizzle release to look like.

Author:  killuminati [ Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pirates of the Caribbean: Black Pearl crewman Cotton.

willy nelson lives!

great work!

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