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 Post subject: an old fan fic I pulled out
PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:11 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Neffs PA
I wrote this three or foiur years ago. Granted I dont know much about official Transformer mythos but I created my own.

Chapter One: Arrivals
*Setting: 30,000 Ft: North West Airlines flight 368 – en route to PHL from DET.
Time: 2:45 ZULU

For retired Capt. Brad Armbruster of the US Air Force it’s been just another day on the job. He’s at the yolk of his Boeing 737 flying a passenger route from Detroit to Philadelphia, the flight is routine with the exception of a long delay due to weather in Detroit. Brad’s confident he can catch up the lost time by jumping the jet stream. As he climbs in altitude to 30,000 ft his aeronautics pick up a large signal coming toward him from … ABOVE!?!... He double checks the sensors and realizes he is in the path of a large object coming to earth. Quickly he punches in an alternative flight pattern and throws on the fasten seatbelts sign. The 737 isn’t like his old Sky striker but she responds to his skilled movements like a graceful swan. The object rockets toward earth and soon Armbruster realizes it is bigger than any Human aircraft. He looks out the window of the aircraft and notices a flaming ball of material the size of a small warehouse hurdling toward earth. Luckily the flight path changes save the aircraft. Stunned he asks the co-pilot and navigator to leave the cockpit, locks the door and tunes the communications radio to a channel most radios can’t transmit on. Slowly and deliberately he speaks the code words to engage transmission and Checks his call sign. “Ace, Ace”. He speaks into the headset with little more than a whisper. No one has called him Ace in quite a while, not since his days serving as the chief fighter jockey for a group most don’t know about.
Special Counter-Terrorist Task Force Delta, code name G. I .Joe by the pentagon brass is the United States premier fighting force. They live a thankless existence about as far away from the public eye as you can get in America. Their wars aren’t publicized and their dead are not mourned. Each member is a carrier soldiers who is the absolute best at what they do. What seems like an eternity passes before Armbruster hears a response crackle through his civilian headset, “Sparks back, Sparks Back, Continue with your transmission Agent Armbruster”. Ace pauses a moment unsure how to relay what he has just seen. By now the Object has made impact on earth, unbeknownst to him registering a 4.3 on the Richter scale. He relays the coordinates to Joe HQ and recommends a survey team scour the area. Surprisingly HQ responds evenly relaying mission orders to cover up the sighting. Ace knows this isn’t the most unusual thing he or the team has ever seen. Calmly he scrambles the radio back to normal channels and clears the transmission history. The Black box would have to be seized before he could let go of the aircraft. He feels that Sparks has probably already planned for that contingency and a team will be waiting in Philly for him. He also has a feeling he is back on Active duty…
Beckoning his crew back to the cockpit he calls forward the stewards to “explain” what the entire aircraft has just witnessed. HQ had already covered the event with a story. Using contacts from NASA the Joe team leaked the story of giant Meteor streaking to earth and landing in the Pennsylvania country side. The aircraft returns to its scheduled flight pattern. The passengers while shaken are upbeat about being “So fortunate” to have witnessed such an event. Ace knew that his report wasn’t the first of the object; GI Joe must have been tracking it as soon as it entered the Atmosphere from their base within the NORAD complex in Colorado. About forty-five minutes later the aircraft arrives in Philadelphia no worse for wear.

Chapter Two: Response Sir?
*Setting: The PITT II: Deep in a former nuclear missile complex in the wilds of North Dakota, Mission Command Center. Time: 3:20 ZULU

General James Long Street Flagg III enters the Blue room. It is filled to the brim with computer equipment and other command necessities. Specialist Allasandro Verdi, code name “Sparks” is sitting to the left of the head of the table. In front of him is a laptop humming away and a stack of fresh print outs. This isn’t the first time the General has been roused from sleep. He’s been getting used to it since he took over logistics from General Joseph Colton himself. After perusing the reports he chuckles a bit. “Sparks,” he said with a grin on his face “you’ve got to be kidding me… A spacecraft! Like little green men and warp drives?” completely bowled over. They (G.I.Joe) have faced the darkest evils of the planet but never anything from outer space. Sparks replied “General if I weren’t serious would I have waked you in the early hours of the morning?” Flagg’s only retort “Not unless your looking for early retirement Sparks”. “Let’s get down to business general” Sparks said. Flagg knew that this was Colton’s most trusted advisor and soldier. It was Sparks who helped Flagg get the original thirteen and it was Sparks who built the funding to expand the team. No one was more dedicated to the cause than he and no one knew as much about them either. Sparks is a walking lexicon of team members their locations and statuses. “Who do we got Sparks” Flagg said sheepishly, he knew his only reason for being here was because his grandfather help Colton create it. Flagg is unsure of himself and how to lead such a cadre of men, many of whom have seen more combat then he ever could. It seems that the current rotation of Joes, at anyone time there are only 110 Joes on base, was light on science officers. They were defiantly behind the eight ball on this one. Some how Sparks complied the data and drafted a team in less than a half an hour. “You must type 135 words a minute Sparks” The general quipped. “105 on average sir, why do u ask” he replied evenly. The General’s mind was at ease knowing his men’s capabilities.
Sparks had already prepped a Black Hawk crew, consisting of Agents Matt “Up Draft” Smithers and Ed “Windmill” Roth. The only two chopper pilots on base in the current roster. The away team consisted of five Joes. The team is to be lead by Cpl Courtney “Cover Girl” Krieger a tank driver and command officer with cross training in covert operations. She would be backed up by LT Franklin “Airborne” Tall tree, serving his rotation time as a reserve member who is an Army Ranger with Legal skills. The team is lucky he and Doc were in the reserve rotation. Dr. Carl “Doc” Greer is probably the only member of the Joe medical staff with enough experience to treat the possible Alien life they might encounter. He has done cutting edge work in emergency medicine. .Sgt Joe “Mirage” Balkun is a Tech trooper with a knack for weapons of all kinds and tonight he is packing the heat for the team. Lastly, the team had to make a detour to pick up the final member already en route to the base for his annual inspection of the Joes Tech facilities. Captain Joe “Gears” Monroe is the only Joe who would even know how to address the possibility of Alien technology. Both Sparks and Flagg were weary of calling this alien because of all the connotations that came with it but neither one could deny the satellite photographs and the compelling first hand account by one of their own.
On the tarmac “Updraft” was prepping the Black Hawk for the 9 hour flight they were about to take. This bird was specially modified for fuel consumption and could make about half the trip before refueling, while “Windmill” mapped out the course in the flight computer and called ahead to the regional Air base in Illinois where they would have to stop. Neither of them specialized in transport piloting but had little reservation that they were capable. They both flew black hawks before, it was like child’s play, but weather and distance made this flight a risk. There is something most people don’t know about Joes and that is that they have a tendency to do things that even they have reservations about. They know that their experience and teamwork can make any situation a positive one.

Chapter 3: Preparations and Introductions
* Setting: RED Room (Rapid Expeditionary Deployment) Time: 3:45 ZULU

The room was still, with only the hum of a singular computer monitor to break the silence. Like the name of the room suggested, a reddish glow gleaned down from a single caged bulb in the ceiling. Green shirts had gathered the necessaries while the agents were being scrambled. Each trooper’s personal packs were displayed with a checklist next to them. This was different than most missions. EMP grenades and scanners weren’t on the typical Joe wish list. No one knew quite what to expect. Even for the veterans like these a recon mission like this was incredibly unique.
Agent Krieger was the first to arrive. She held the manila envelope that contained the mission specifics. It only took her one glance at the equipment to be loaded to know this wasn’t going to be a routine military operation. She felt a sense of nervousness come over her. This would be the first mission she would “honcho” since her recent promotion. The only solace she took was that regular military ops are given to the regular military, not GI Joe. If they called us, she thought, it has to be something. Quickly she shook the doubt from her mind as she set the envelope on the center table. “What’s this stuff” she muttered to herself “What would warrant this kind of technology”. An answer wafted from a dark corner of the room “Honestly sweetheart, I don’t even know”. Krieger turned to find Sparks moving out of the shadows. “Sorry If I startled you, none of us have had much sleep lately” as he sat at the Central table. “What is all of this Sparks? EMPs, scanners, sensors and more battery packs than I have seen since Christmas with my sister’s ten year olds!” Krieger’s words rang in sparks ears for a moment; he was amused by the comparison. He had been behind the scenes of this team since its inception and not even he knew what to make of what he saw in the satellite photography.
“Courtney the pictures in that envelope don’t make sense” Sparks covered his face with his hand “They simply don’t make sense”. Krieger slide the pictures out of the envelope slowly. All she saw was a burning mountain and what looked to be a skid mark, but then she noticed how big the tree in the corner was. Her jaw dropped in amazement “these marks must be a 100 yards wide… no that can’t be right” she trailed off, either too tired or amazed to speculate further “Really no ideas on what this even might be?” she asked. “I am having trouble with the scale in these photos” she mumbled as she looked again at the photo and then back to Sparks. He stood and with his pen circled a tree in the corner of one of the photos. “But Sparks if that’s true than… than this is a big a building!” Krieger was amazed but said nothing further. “Satellite photos suggest the object to be about the size of a small Ware-house, roughly Six hundred feet long by two stories, I can’t be certain but I think it might be … might be a space craft.” Sparks didn’t even full believe himself. All Courtney could do was giggle out of shock. This, she thought to herself should be interesting.
The door to the room swung open and Mirage walked in totting an M-249 squad automatic weapon. His blonde hair was a mess and you could still see the remnants of sleep through his visor. He sat down at the center table without saying a word and began to dress his weapon. No sooner than he had the magazine cleared then Doc and Airborne entered the room chatting. Cover girl, Airborne and Doc were members of the second Joe class and had worked with each other multiple times. Doc was weighted down with all sorts of medical equipment. He was a walking emergency room and even through his trademark shades you could tell he was confident. Airborne sat down propped his M-4 against the table and pulled out his dagger and a whet stone. Always known for his quiet demeanor, Cover girl took comfort in the fact that his “far seeing eyes” were coming along on this one. As he stroked the blade against the stone Mirage noticed Cover Girls eyeing him up with relief. “Happy to see me Krieger?” he asked. “Very much so, all of you” was her only reply. Airborne is a lawyer by trade, thorough and honest. As a soldier he had proved himself at every turn spending years flying shotgun with Wild Bill Hardy, the Joes most revered chopper pilot. Though only partially Native American he has the face of his Navajo brethren. Everyone sat preparing for the long journey and trying to make some semblance of conversation. It being the wee hours of the morning that conversation was sparse at best.
Finally Mirage spoke up “Who we waiting for?” Sparks checked his computer and glanced back, “An agent none of you have ever met, He is our technical expert responsible for many of the new weapons systems we use today, most famously ROBO-JOE” “What the Hell is that” Mirage shot back inquisitively. “Our new Anti-BAT system” *(Battle Android Trooper) Sparks replied. “Waiting for me?” A man in bronzed body armor walked through the door. The team tightened their lips and the room went back to the hum of computers.” Yes sir we are…” Sparks replied dryly as to show his distain for the officer’s tardiness. “Ladies and Gentle meet Captain Joseph Moran USAF, and GI Joe’s resident Thomas Edison. Mirage you probably don’t know it but He is the guy responsible for your armor that you wore in the early nineties, Please captain, be seated so we can get the briefing started”. Sparks sat down his coffee and rose to address the crowd.

Chapter 4: The Journey – Wheel Jacks perspective
* Setting: Autobot space Cruiser: Ark en route to Planet Earth (Deep Space) Some time prior to impact.

The trek to Earth was a comedy of errors. Ships navigation computer went down only a few light years from Cybertron. The Stellar Jump drive of the Ark sucked down the Energon supply due to a crack in the hull undetected by sensors for far too long. Here we find one of our heroes Wheel Jack. Helmsmen and Mechanic of the Heroic Autobots, the Exiles of a Planet called Cybertron; these warriors take arms against the self serving, greedy and power mongering Decepticons. Both races are mechanized fighting “Robots” who are able to take alternate forms like human vehicles. We find Wheel Jack in a room below the control room tools in hand rewiring a breaker box.
Wheel Jack had worked for what seemed like years on end, almost to the point where he overheated his own Circuits. Serving as Helmsmen and mechanic he felt d responsible for all the troubles. Unfortunately for him the hits just kept on coming. Ark, herself an Autobot lay dieing in the arms of the crew she carried. Wheel Jack didn’t know how he was going to tell Prime, both of them had made the journey to earth before and Ark provided a safe and comfortable journey. Deep in his spark Wheel Jack knew foul play was about but a precious little proof to substantiate it. All he could do now was make sure they all got there in one piece. How ever that would prove to be a difficult challenge.
The main problem was the hull breach. It puzzled Wheel jack to how exactly so many redundant system failed so handily. Yet with all the abnormalities of the journey the only thing that angered Wheel Jack was Optimus Prime. Yes the same Optimus Prime he swore his allegiance to. The Optimus prime who led the Autobots out of slavery and into exile. The Autobot chosen by the Matrix of Leadership and the possessor of said symbol of all that is good in the universe. Prime’s decision to use the matrix to fuse the hull breach was logical, what Wheel Jack couldn’t fathom is why Prime did so with out proper preparations. His haste almost led to his downfall and now he lay in stasis until Wheel Jack can get Ark back on line. After the completion of the repair Prime lost control of his circuits and the ravages of deep space knocked him unconscious. If it wasn’t for the actions of the rookie warrior Jet fire, Prime and the matrix with him would have been lost to space. Wheel Jack knew that each Autobot aboard was on his side and helping him, the only thing he didn’t know was what they could do to help.
Ark was a Master piece Class Autobot much like her cousin Metroplex. There had to be something in the ships computer history to help Wheel Jack deduce the source of the malfunctions. It took him mega cycles to stabilize Ark and get her essential systems back online. The only thing he couldn’t do was rewire her neural net to bring her back to consciousness. Jazz did a masterful job of acting as helmsmen, he learned the controls quickly and Wheel Jack was relieved to have him taking that role. Right now Iron Hide and Bumblebee were mobilizing the Warriors to perform rudimentary repairs. Not everything required Wheel Jacks skilled hands but it all needed to be done and the sooner the better. All Wheel Jack can do now is search and hope.
Chapter 5 Jazz Holds on
Setting – Control room ark
We find the Second in command of the Autobots, a warrior known a Jazz, struggling with the controls. Auto Pilot had been one of the first systems to go and Jazz was right there. He was fine with flying this thing but with Prime out of commission he had trouble delegating repairs and flying the ship. All he could hope for was the rest of the team to pick up the slack.
Jazz wrestled with the Yolk. The controls were sticking and slow but they were still in tact. She drove like a brick on ice, but Jazz was more interested getting her out of this asteroid belt and into Earth’s orbit. He is used to being the light heart of the team but tonight he feels despair tugging deep at his spark. Some beings are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them and Jazz was taking that full bore. “When I get a hold of those Decept-i-creeps I ‘m going to blow there audio circuits out of their head” he said with a hint anger in his usually jovial voice. Unlike his partner Wheel Jack, Jazz was much more vocal. Though he knew anger wouldn’t help the cause in any way he still allowed for his emotions to vent themselves.
If there had been an Autobot who had leadership thrust upon them you could only hope they handled it as well as him. Jazz is the coolest one in the hottest situations and thinks through all orders he gives. Most others would have let the situation get to them but Jazz handled it like the seasoned veteran he is. “Why I feel as though I should have bought her dinner first” Jazz quipped “I haven’t been this intimate with a lady since Seta five” regarding his new found closeness to Ark. “I have never seen a woman who liked it this rough” he said to Bumblebee trying to eek out a laugh. You could tell that anger was welling inside him though; he only cracked jokes like that when the chips were down.
“This is a rust spot in my side” Jazz said as Iron Hide, Autobot Squad Leader entered the room. “I hear ya hoss” Iron Hide spat. Jazz knew Iron Hide’s opinion; everyone knew Iron Hide’s opinion about the situation and Decepticons in general. If there was any Autobot with a blind hatred for Decepticons it was Iron Hide. Especially since they had one in their midst. Jet Fire, Autobot Ariel Warrior had been working near by and silently left the room. Prime worried about Iron hide and Jazz knew that. He didn’t want anything to cleave his team especially not something as narrow minded as racism. Jazz wanted to circumvent the unspoken conflict but he was just too busy keeping them from crashing into asteroids. “Iron Hide lets talk” Jazz said as he jerked the yolk to the right “Why of course you smooth talkin’ son-uva-gun” Iron Hide responded as he set down what he was carrying. “I need to ask you a favor cowboy” Jazz sounded concerned. “Well what can I do you for partner” said Iron Hide, always the character.
Jet Fire had everything going against him, being a Jet and a former Decepticon most Autobots couldn’t relate to his cause. He was trying not to make waves, just diligently and quietly working on. It had been hard on him given his past. He used to be the right hand man to the Decepticon Lieutenant Starscream. It had been on earth where Jet fire was abandoned by Starscream. They had been on Earth many eons ago doing planetary research. He defiantly had an edge on Starscream’s lackeys. Sky Warp and Thunder cracker were really dolts and Jet Fire readily admitted it but at the same time because of their ineptitude made them Ideal to work with Starscream. Jet Fire had questioned the Decepticon’s leadership and Starscream had him eliminated for that. One night while they were taking rest Thunder Cracker and Sky Warp ambushed Jet Fire. Though he was the stauncher fighter he was eventually over come by the brutish pair. They threw the half dead Robot into a thermal vent in a glacier and made way for Cybertron. There Jet Fire lay beaten and dormant for many years until a research team Lead by the Autobot Bumblebee came to earth detected, found, and revived him.

Chapter 6: The Briefing: 3:55 ZULU
*RED (Rapid Expeditionary Deployment) Room, PITT II, undisclosed location in South Dakota.
“Ok let’s get this started” Sparks was driving the point home. “What’s the rush?” Mirage questioned as he finished cleaning his weapon. “Shut it Mirage” Krieger snapped. Doc chimed in “Obviously it’s important enough to call us all out of bed”. Many Joes blew off Doc and his Harvard education, Mirage was one of them. “This isn’t a joke Mirage” said Sparks “It’s actually scary because for once I don’t know what to tell you”. Airborne spoke up “What are we talking about here Sparks” he shot a look across the room that settled the crowd and reminded everyone that they were there to do business. “Your right Airborne this isn’t a Social call” Doc popped in again. Sparks didn’t know how to articulate it but he was certainly going to try. “What I am about to tell you is of the utmost secrecy, at 2:45 this morning intel came into the PITT here pertaining to an object that entered earths atmosphere. This object was large in size but what threw flags was the fact that it slowed its own decent, being capable of self regulation makes us think this maybe some kind of vessel.” Spark stood firm and kept a straight face. Finally Captain Moran spoke up “Are you saying an alien spaceship just crashed in western Pennsylvania?” The rest of the team couldn’t help but chuckle. Agent Krieger sighed with relief. Someone finally said it as absurd as it sounded some one said it.
“Actually, that is exactly what I am talking about, and I am sure it doesn’t take much for you to realize what this could mean in terms of National Security” Sparks pulled back to business. “Specifically the craft, as we are going to call it, landed on the Witwicky Farm. A family farm of about 400 acres. The family is the only population to speak of with in the perimeters of the crash which is immensely helpful. Get ready to have to detain the Witiwcky’s if this turns into a cover up” he knew he was droning at this point but when he said that phrase Cover up the soldiers ears peaked.

:barbecue: :blastoff: :inferno:

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