With the v.2 bomber jacket Hawk coming out I realized I'll use him for the general version of Hawk. So I really didn't need the General Hawk from the Senior Officers 3-pack. But he does make a great Colonel Hawk. So I swapped out the SE legs for the Duke legs from the 3-pack and painted them to match. Also touched up the edges of the helmet to the base color didn't stick out like a sore thumb. And I painted his hair a more realistic color to cover up that bright yellow he came with but I forgot to snap a pic of him without his helmet. I'm quite happy with this version of the Joes original leader.
Head, torso, arms: TRU 3-pack Hawk
Legs: TRU 3-pack Duke
I've been wanting to make a Tunnel Rat custom for a while now but like most folks have had a hard time figuring out the height issue. Well after mixing and matching some parts for another custom (coming soon!) I came up with this recipe that I think works really really well. The head I think is just a placeholder until I find something more appropriate (anyone got a comic pack TR they want to donate?
) But for now it will do.
Head: DTC Cannonball (modified)
Torso, arms: 25th Rock 'n' Roll
Upper legs: 25th Snake-eyes
Lower legs: 25th Lady Jaye
A comparison shot showing the height difference.