I painted the top of the abdomen where the chestplate breaks a silver color to make it look like the top edge of the bottom half of a two-part armor set. This mold *really* should have been a webgear sculpt. I also took out the next-to-bottom ribbed section of the HISSer's boots as his calves are far too long and fat to be proportional. Now at least, they're proper lengthed.
I shaved Spirit's right ponytail off entirely and placed it so it'll hang back behind him like it should have. I've added some putty to fill in the gap, which I'll paint later. I figured you guys would want to see it raw. I cut the cartridge socket out of his rifle and added it to a Marauder shotgun so he could hold it better. I also cut the top off his harness, replaced the flaps with cloth, and made the belt removeable.