OK, I'm making a list (no full filecard bios) of the characters I've created. These will be posted by Faction. I am including my thoughts as to use for them, so you get an idea of where I going with them. First up is Cobra
Legend: *Completed Hero Machine, posted on Joecustoms and Facebook ** Temporary Placeholder Name for now No asterick = no Hero Machine version as of yet, in the works
Audit-Viper Subversion (Extensive Enterprise CPAs) This was my mail-in Create-A-Cobra. They are not Crimson Guard, but the majority of personnel working at Extensive Enterprises and other key locations. Careful, those Mall Tax Help kiosks CPAs could be Cobra Agents!
BASE-Viper Airborne Insertion (Bridge, Antenna, Structure, Earth) Specialized Paratroopers, these troops might be used to exfil someone they've kidnapped from a skyscraper down to waiting vehicles in the street. They could also rob casinos and jump from the roof to escape.
Blisters Flamethrowers NCOs Incinerator Recruits
Boomslang* Ninja
Braco the Clown* Subversion (Psychology)
Bushmaster Jungle Trainer Wanted to use more snake names for actual Cobra Agents
Caiman* Reptile Handler
Canebrake* Ninja-Viper Instructor
Cell-Vipers* Security Troops
Choral Snakes* Choral Member/Springfield Marching Band
Cinders Flamethrower Junior Officers Incinerator Training Staff
Commodore Kracken* Cobra Island Naval Strategic Commander
Coral Snakes Naval Special Commandos Equivalent to US Navy SEALS/USCG Boarding Parties. They would be used for any amphibious assaults like capturing oil tankers, cargo ships, cruise ships, oil platforms, etc.
Demo-Vipers* Demolitions (Firefly's personal squad)
Diamondback* Tactical Strategist/Military Advisor
Dr. Vemonova* Research Scientist (aka 'Madame Furie')
Embers Flamethrower Officers Incinerator Training Command Officers. You start out as a Cobra Trooper, then become a Cobra Viper for 6 months, before moving over to the specialty Vipers.
Eroto-Vipers** Subversion (Extortion, Agent Recruitment, Blackmail) Placeholder name, these troops would be used to turn their targets or extort from them by compromising the. More of a 'soft core' manipulation, like running adult websites and other venues to raise capitol for Cobra. A target could be compromised by searching our certain websites and then be affected by ransomware attacks, etc. It's more as a means for Cobra to raise funds. Not trying to be dirty, but using someone's poor judgement against them...
Fer-de-Lance Assassin Again, trying to add more snake names to Cobra.
Garter Snakes* Subversion
(The) Hood Enemy Agent (Middle Eastern Operative) Given the international make-up of Cobra, I felt there was a need for a region specific Cobra Agent.
Inferno** Flamethrower Commander Created before GIJOE Extreme was a thing, so that's dating it a bit. He runs the Incinerator side of the Cobra Troops.
Kill Zone Heavy Weapons Training Officer As with Inferno, he works with the SAW-Vipers.
Krait Snake Handler I actually have a design done, but not posted. In the Marvel run there were Cobra Troopers holding snakes for certain ceremonies at various Cobra venues. Someone has to handle them and he is certainly not a person to upset, as you might find a forked tongue visitor in your bunk...
(The) Kunoichi Ninjas (Female) Female ninjas made up of disillusioned Arashikage, and other Clan members. They have banded together for strength.
Lady Addera Assassin Haven't really worked much on this besides the name. Wanted to use 'adder' as an Agent name.
LIFT-Vipers Movers (Loader, Infantry, Freight, Transport) Inspired by every comic panel that had Cobra Troops moving bodies for Dr. Mindbender, etc. They have exosuits (using Mirage lower legs and Astro-Viper torsos) to assist them moving heavy items.
Mussurana* Adjutant to Cobra Commander
Ninja Bob* Ninja-Viper Trainer/Recruiter
PIT-Vipers Para Insertion Troops I wanted to reuse that stupid new sculpt figure idea Hasbro had. If you gonna use the word 'Pit', then make it stand for something. These were created prior to the introduction of the Para-Vipers.
Rave-Vipers Cold Slither Roadies/Security & Support Staff I posted a long time ago the description of the Rave-Vipers. Essentially anyone assigned to be a Rave-Viper is another specialty Viper, but renamed due to the assignement. There are Techno-Viper, Tele-Vipers, etc and they use their skills to run the backside of the Cold Slither concerts. They were the same uniform, but inspired by Star Trek, have different colored t-shirts or clothing to show what each does, They are under strict orders to keep all mention of Cobra completely separate from the concerts as Cold Slither is a huge legitimate money making scheme. I basically wanted to make Cold Slither as real as can be and the JOEs might only be aware of them as a band, with no suspected ties to Cobra. It's an attempt to be as legit as possible, with sales from merch and touring.
Reptilicus* Project Serpentor Phase Two
Rhingal Project Serpentor Fail-Safe A female version of Serpentor, in theory. It is a means by Cobra Commander to prevent Serpentor, if ever activate agan in secret by COIL members to subvert him. It's an attempt to take down someone with their even match.
Riot-Vipers Subversion (Urban Chaos) Specialized Alley-Vipers. Their mission is to disrupt by any means possible the infrastructure of any city Cobra decides to take over. They hit the communications, power grids, hospitals, transportation hubs, police, etc, allowing occupation troops easier access. Each trooper is the number one target by the JOEs as they are capable to creating mass casualty incidents, civilian property, and so on.
Roto-Vipers Helicopter Pilots These are Cobra pilots that are not the flashy FANG Pilots or Mamba pilots. They fly the Skycranes and VIP transport pods for Cobra and fulfill the civilian-type flights for VIPS and undercover agents.
Sabot-Viper* (based on unproduced artwork)
Sea Serpents Naval Officer (Cobra Vehicle Crew) These are the basic Cobra Navy Officers that operate Cobra ships, like subs or bigger Navy vehicles.
Sea Snakes Naval Crew (Cobra Vehicle Crew) The Navy sailors of Cobra.
Shag-Vipers** Subversion (Blackmail, Extortion) Again, kinda Austin Powers-esque, but needed a name for the troops that do use sex as a means to compromise their targets. Businesswomen, Political Leaders, Governors, etc. Someone has to do it and this is an attempt to show how Cobra has infested itself into the population. They are all run by a division under Extensive Enterprises. It's not pretty and I freely admit that. These are propably a one and done use, story-wise, and are only needed for specific missions.
Skid Row Urban Assault Commander Head of the Alley-Vipers.
Snakebytes Computer Specialists These troops are a way to reuse the Sonic Psyche-Out figure for something besides Psyche-Out. I am not a fan of 15 variations of one character when they each have iconic versions. Like Ace. He's either in his pressure suit flying, or he's wearing a green flightsuit and brown leather bomber jacket sitting around playing cards. I use v1 Psyche-Out for him, unless he has on a winter jacket like they did during the BET theft in the animated movie. The Snakebytes are used similar to the Star-Vipers, in that they have shunt interfaces surgically implated to allow them to 'Borg Assimilate' into their computers or vehicles.
Snapdragon* Ninja Assassin
Striptease* Subversion (Entertainment)
Taipan* Ninja
(unnamed) Cobra Courier* Cobra-La Sentry* Cobra LMD Cobra Pilot* Cobra Snake Armor Operator* Cobra Strategist* Cobra Tailor Cobra Commander's Personal Tailor former professional ice skating costumer Crimson Guard (F)*
(joke creations-these would have been something along the lines of creating the perfect Manchurian Candidate/Stepford Wives family, loyal to Cobra, for Cobra Commander's end game scenario. Imagine having a major political candidate running for the White House, the introduction of the perfect family. Every T crossed and every I dotted, no hint of scandal, the perfect Sleeper Agent. They get elected and suddenly turn 180, revealing their nasty side. The pinnacle of the Crimson Guard as introduced in the Marvel GIJOE run)
Serpenta, made up of the DNA of famous wives Serpentina, made up of the DNA of famous daughters
_________________ Hero Machine Real Characters: https://tinyurl.com/yyguul9eHero Machine Original Characters: https://tinyurl.com/y59j5gmdHero Machine Other properties: https://tinyurl.com/y48nnp8u