OK, I've made a few more design and I'm looking for some input into specialties and codenames.
I've given this one an outfit similar to Cover Girl, minus all the leg accessories. I'm thinking a driver, maybe the VAMP Mk II?
New Female 1.JPG [ 90.07 KiB | Viewed 1088 times ]
This one I wanted some armor. I was thinking with the targeting helmet she could operate the FLAK, Whirlwind, or another piece of equipment that didn't come with a JOE.
New Female 2.JPG [ 99.48 KiB | Viewed 1088 times ]
For this one I was thinking HQ defense. The helmet has dual antennas to monitor multiple frequencies and has a targeting sight. I thought with the red shirt, she could be artillery or another specialty that would require exceptional math skills. Wouldn't be a frontline type character.
New Female 3.JPG [ 85.56 KiB | Viewed 1088 times ]
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