25A Wild Bill & DCIH Gordon headswap (AFTER YOJOE-A-GO-GO)

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by chrysophylax

Everybody's seen the 25A Wild Bill & DCIH Gordon headswap in yojoe-a-go-go's post but I just wanted to share photos of my own with painted hair. Coincidentally, the DCIH Gordon head looks alot like the Sunbow Wild Bill, while the 25A Wild Bill head give Gordon a more Tim Sale/Year One look:








While I was at it, I used the leftover paint to fix the Comic Pack Fred with the proper hair color.

- JM

by yjagg

looks good, I have yet to paint mine :shifty: but I figure if WB was flyingin Viet Nam he'd be in his 60's by now so what the hey Old Joe!

by Matthew

didn't see yjagg's, but this looks awesome.


I like it and the swapped heads looks right, nice job, now i gotta find one.

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