Painting 25th Webgear

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by sbarrett4

I want to paint my comic pack Hawk's webgear silver to match his 82 counterpart. Has anyone tried painting the webgear yet? Does spray pain stay tacky? Does painting cause the webgear to get brittle, or the paint to crack? What type of paint would you recommend?

by HypnoHustler

Stay the hell away from any enamel paint for those. Unless Krylon makes a silver Fusion, in which case that's what I'd recommend. Silver is a huge pain, and silver acrylic doesn't work for crap. It'll also be brittle. So hope Krylon makes Fusion in silver (and shake the hell out of that can, use very thin coats, and wait longer than you think you should for them to dry) or be cool with black gear on Hawk.

by Greyryder

Fusion makes a couple of variations of silver. The only other thing I would know to suggest would be acrylic paint over plastic adhesion inducer. The adhesion inducer is basically a clear primer, made for plastic body panels on cars. You'll probably have to go to an auto parts store. Model railroaders use the stuff to paint model train handrails that are made from an engineering plastic that doesn't otherwise accept any kind of paint.

by MarkM

I used some FolkArt 662 Metallic Silver Sterling on some web gear, and so far it's held up well, with no cracking of paint or brittleness in the web gear. In fact, before posting this, just to be sure, I picked him up and squeezed the gear around the shoulders a bit, and it was still pliable and no cracks appeared. When I applied the paint, I applied it in three very thin layers.

by chad_ghost

I used a spray paint from Lowes. I believe it is a high heat paint, but that doesn't matter. I dries fast, no sticky, and goes on smooth. It is in a taller can.

by chrysophylax

I've painted webgear just fine using Citadel. My first attempt was painting the Cobra Officer webgear a darker gray. The second was Roadblock's vest painted in Camo Green.

Around three light coats should do the trick.

- JM

by Kamakura

I have also painted a bunch of 25th web gear with Citadel paints. I also coated mine with Testors Dull-Cote. They look great and have had no paint wear.


by past nastification

Go with one of the acrylics as others have suggested.

I was recently trying to convert a Jedi cloak into a lab coat. After sculpting on pockets and other details, I spray painted it with Fusion white. Big mistake. Two weeks later, it's still sticky to the touch.

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