Suggested replacement for Major Barrage hands?

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by Doc Rob

Arrrgh! I had a custom set up that was waiting to use one of Marauder, Inc.'s mini-guns, that used Major Barrage's arms/hands. The problem is I never noticed that the hands were not only tiny but lack almost any thumb on the right hand--meaning he can't hold the weapon (or, for that matter, a lot of weapons I tried to fit in the hand). It's not the first time this has happened to me with a custom, but it's the most frustrating because I built this guy to handle a mini-gun.

What's a good alternative hand? I have several BBI hands but they might be too thin; the VvV Alpine/DTC Footloose hands are out because they suffer from the tiny thumb problem too. I'm stumped what else to try (I'll happily cut and mount hands if needed but I'm looking ones I could just pop in, if possible.)


by alleyviperelite

Wave 7 SnakeEyes hands fit but they don't hold much either, I used them on my Big Boa so I don't need him to hold anything.. I also used Recondo hands on my Backblast custom, they work pretty good even if they are oddly shaped.

by Doc Rob

alleyviperelite wrote:Wave 7 SnakeEyes hands fit but they don't hold much either, I used them on my Big Boa so I don't need him to hold anything.. I also used Recondo hands on my Backblast custom, they work pretty good even if they are oddly shaped.

Think I might have a spare pair of Recondo arms around, I'll have to try those. Thanks! :-)

by AdrienVeidt

I cut-n-pasted some HeloDuke hands on. You can't do a simple swap due to the diff in wrist post construction (thanks, Hasbro!). You could also look at some bbi hands, I think they'll fit.

by Matthew

i think Zartan Spytroops might work

by Doc Rob

Have to see if I have a pair of Zartan hands--I know I've had parts of him around for a while. Thanks!

by Kilcarr

When you work it out can you post a pic? I'd love to see what it looks like.

by Doc Rob

Kilcarr wrote:When you work it out can you post a pic? I'd love to see what it looks like.

Sure will. The figure is actually an update (okay, whole new version) of the existing Rock Steady custom I have in the Gallery--just wanted him in new sculpt and carrying a MUCH bigger gun. :-)

by Kilcarr

by Doc Rob

Okay, okay...

I didn't have a pair of the Zartan hands handy but I did have Recondo's, which were a MUCH better fit than Major Barrage (though they don't fit as tightly into the wrists as I'd like.) Anyway, here is a "proto" shot (the hands aren't painted yet and I have to get elastic straps to hold up the ammo box) of Rock Steady with the Marauder, Inc. Gatling Gun:


Now does that rock, or does that rock? :-D

by Kilcarr

It rocks very steady! :-)

by Mysterious Stranger

Gung-Ho hands might work too if you're looking for an alternative to the plain glove look.

by Doc Rob

Mysterious Stranger wrote:Gung-Ho hands might work too if you're looking for an alternative to the plain glove look.

These'll do I think. Just a matter of painting them up and trying to take decent pictures to finish him up.

by DarkJedi

Hey, Doc.

Is that a modded Barrage head?

I thought for a split second it was a shrunk down Test head, but it looks more like a modded Barrage.

I ask because when creating character customs, I sometimes use real life persons as a base for what I think the character should look like. This helps to give me a vision of what parts could work and how to write a bio for this person.

One character I have is based on Test (one of my all-time fav wrestlers). I pictured him when creating 'Backbreaker', my Airborne Ranger/Heavy Machine Gunner. It also helped in the bio when I made him an amateur college wrestler.

by Doc Rob

DarkJedi wrote:Hey, Doc.

Is that a modded Barrage head?

Yes it is. I used fine-point Dremel grinding bits to remove most of the beard and followed up with extra-fine sandpaper and small hand files. It's not perfect; up close (which doesn't show well in the pic) he looks a little "scarred" around the mouth from the goatee removal (I'm working that into the character bio.) I covered up the worst of it with a light layer of paint that blended in surprisingly well.

I had originally planned to use a ST/VvV Grunt head, which I spent time hollowing out to fit--only to find out it's a hair too small! The result would have been a pin-headed Rock Steady.


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