My brother was doing some organizing out in the garage a few days ago and discovered something interesting.
Apparently my Dad had ordered some mold-making stuff and never got the chance to use it. All of the items are sealed, but probably at years four years old.
Wondering if anybody had any knowledge of these items or what you think.
Synair Synlube 521 Release Agent
Polytek PlatSil 71-20 Silicone RTV Rubber Parts A and B
Por-A-Kast Mark 2 Prepolymer B
Por-A-Kast Mark 2 Curative A
included in the box was about 100 of those small little plastic cups (I've seen them used for communion type ceremonies or as small portion desserts at fancy events)
Anybody familiar with these? Would they work for making some GIJOE casts?
Any help appreciated.