In the spirit of the celebration I'm starting a different kind fo topic. A discussion about the worst customizing has to offer. We've all had those projects where everything came out all wrong or even worse entirely ruined. Sure we learned from the experience, but we don't even talk about this monstrosities and in the end we have nothing to show for our efforts.
For me my worst project from start to ifnish was a diorama piece. It was supposed to be a brieifng room complete with backlit projector screen and Enterprise bridge like sliding doors for entry. This was going to be my first reall dio peice. I was building the whole thing out of foam board.
Anyone who built a bird house in wood shop can tell you that a four walled structure isn't something you just eyeball and wing. What a mess. I didn't measure things right. I didn't really plan ahead design wise and thought I would build the entire thing out of one piece fo foam board. The projecter was too heavy and crushed a lot of the set. I couldn't figure out the doors. The walls warped when I painted them. I re-remembered that super glue eats styrofoam.
On top of that I suffered just about all the hazzards associated with customizing. I cut myslef numerous times. I burned myself with hot glue. I literally screwed myself with a screw that went through a wall. I got hit in the eye with debris. And I inhaled bits of styrofoam and more glue fumes then a worker at Elmer's, which can't be good.
The projector crashing was the straw that broke the camel's back. I kicked it...repeatedly. It was therapuetic. And a little sad once I relaized how easily the whole thing fell apart like I never put it together at all. I saved what parts I could and trashed the rest. I've tackled a few pieces since and have plans for others. Each one has furthered what I know and taught me the error of trying to do things quick and easy. One day I hope to revisit the briefing room project but for now it is one of those things I try not to dwell on.
So what are the most horrible customs you've made...or tried to make?