25A Scrap Iron

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Looking for opinions and feedback on a recipe.

I have a casted Scrappy helmut
and a head that looks like an annoyed scappy to me. Just need to put a car on his right cheek.

But for the rest of him I'm thinking
Torso- 25 A buzzer
arms and legs- 25 A cobra officer.

And then use a ST black flak vest w/ the cobra logo on it.

So what do you think? Are there better parts for the recipe? Or other recipes?

I figure we got Firefly so we need Scrappy now.


I say, just go with a straight up Cobra troop or officer with a vest sculpted on. OR, a Duke/ Flint torso with Cobra troop arms and legs.

by viperlord

I agree. Go full on Cobra Trooper/Officer.

The Spytroops vest would be OK, but a little greenstuff would go a long way ;)

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