Removing BBI Helicopter decals?

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by Phaid

I hope this is the right place to post this... I have a couple of the BBI MH-6 Little Bird helicopters. They're great, but I would really like to remove the big white serial numbers and "UNITED STATES ARMY" lettering. So I guess it's a two part question: are those labels painted on, or are they decals of some kind; and if they are decals, is there a way to remove them without otherwise damaging the aircraft's finish?

by pluv

They are painted on. The only way to get them off it is to sand them off with the lightest grit sandpaper you can find. Most times even if you just paint over it, the lettering will still be visible. Oh, and this is the right place to be asking those kinds fo questions.

by Phaid

Drat, I was hoping there was a way to do it without having to repaint the area afterward. Ah well, I'll do as you suggested and then do a complete repaint.


by Feek

Is it possible to strip the paint off chemically with out damaging/discoloring the plastic?

by The pros from Dover

Try laquer thinner.

It will often remove stuff that has been painted on, like the lettering your talking about, without damaging the base coat.

by kingofpain26

good question.

I was wondering the same about the Chap Mei CHinook Helicopter (wanted to keep the color, but remove the Army insignia to replace it with a CObra Insignia.)

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