I started on my first custom Joe today.
The character is a Joe, codename Ghost...shadowy past, assassination, black ops, sniping, hand to hand combat, demolitions. I want him to be a scarier than hell character for my dios, kind of a rival to Snake Eyes. Due to the large nature of the hands he's equipped with (I may mod him with smaller hands later) he's going to be using customized and camo-painted Lanard Corps weapons. Next week I'm getting a few BBL parachute guys and scavenging one of their chutes and their para gear so Ghost is ready for infiltration.
I started by scraping a Gung Ho V8 for his knife scabbard, then I proceeded to cannibalize a BBL figure for those cool pouches they have mounted all over their gear and the lower part of his legs.
Next I took a Beach Head V4, stripped him down, fitted the BBL bottom legs to is, then put them together to test for my fit, cut and swivel jointed his hands (my first time, it's easier than it looks) Now I'm stopped, I decided before I sand/cut/cannibalize another thing I ought to ask some basic questions.
What is the best Grain sandpaper to use on a custom Joe? I'm assuming I'll need some rougher material to take down his torso, then a finer one to plane it out. These areas will be covered by pouches.
My second question of the night is that I've noted that the BBL pouches came pegged and glued into the characters. Should I merely make holes to fit and superglue these accessories in place?
Paint: I've decided to use a dark ops camo scheme, perhaps all black or dark blue with black tiger stripes, wondering if anyone has any advice for me on my paint scheme. I'm thinking of midnight blue and using a micropen for the tiger stripes. Any advice on what brand of paint I ought to use?