Source for 1:18 scale hand-held microphones ?

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by Doc Rob

I'm in need of a 1:18 scale hand-held microphone, or one that comes with a stand. I'd REALLY like to find the silver/chrome style ones popular in the 1950s but I'll take pretty much anything. The "barrel" of it needs to be relatively narrow as it's sitting in a Mon Mothma hand, which is pretty small. I'm using it for the "civilian" aspect of one of my Succubae customs, who is a singer.

Any idea where I might find one?

Trying to create one so far hasn't worked too well (though I did get a nifty mace and a mage's wand out of trying. :-) ) Worse comes to worse I might try to modify the pointer that came with Mon Mothma, but it's so flimsy I'm not sure it'll look right. Anyway, suggestions?

by ZombieGuide

Playmobil, perhaps.

by The Spectre

There are only 2 1/18 scale microphones I have ever seen:

The Vintage Star Wars line had a mic and stand that came with Sy Snootles as part of the Max Rebo Band boxed set. The mic is not removable from the stand.

Several of the "Space Channel 5" figures (based on the game) came with a cool little hand held mic in a variety of pastel colors that were coordinated with the figure it came with's dress color. There were no stands available as the characters in the game carried and danced with their mics. They are very thin handled as the figures had very dainty, feminine hands. I have several of them if you want one.

by Marauder_John

Here is a quick customizing suggestion,

Use the Marauder Series #4 German Stick Grenade (with just some slight trimming near the large end and it already has a slender handle for easy grip): ... dZViewItem

Use the PTE Sniper Spotter Scope tripod stand (stand is removable from scope): ... dZViewItem

Use a straight piece of tube plastic to connect the two pieces and you have a mic w/ stand. Or use the mic by itself. Just be sure the singer doesn't "pull the ignition fuze" string....


by Macrossmaster

Lynn Minmei's figure, mfg by Harmony Gold came with a 1/18 scale hand mike.

by Doc Rob

Spectre, you've got a PM. :-)

by gijoey

Robo Tech, Min mea ( or how ever you spell it ) had a heand held one. I'll check to see if I kept any.

by raptor

Marauder's stick grenades are pretty close to perfect, but if you need the wire mesh perfection of a 1:18ish mike, the Spice Girls came out wiht a 4"-5" line with a lot of in scale accessories. You could try to track that down.

- R

by gijoey

Would this work?
100_5632.JPG (39.63 KiB) Viewed 1327 times

by Ol man

I thought there was some mini-bratz stage set up that had a silver mike and stand. don't know if they were one piece of could seperate.

by Doc Rob

Spectre and Segnett have both offered to hook me up (two different styles of microphone) so I should be good. And thanks for the offer, gijoey, that would also work fine.

Thanks for the suggestions and offers, guys, and especially thanks to MJ--I never thought of using those grenades that way, and I have several (add that to the list of ideas what to do with the modular parts I've been adding to :-) ), and the fit would be ideal for those very tiny hands she has. Wire-mesh perfection would be nice, but even if I only could just get close to the shape, that's all that really mattered.

Suddenly the idea of forming a "band" with the Sword Maidens (what I call my fighting Succubae) has developed a very strong appeal...VERY strong, definitely. Next I'll be asking about 1:18 musical instruments (hint, hint :wink: ).

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