Advice on figure choice

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by TunnelRat

Any advice on action figures to use for civilian or plain dress people (or executives/President type) with the Joeverse?

by White Line Nightmare

Do they need to have Joe-style construction?

Would they need to fit in with the ARAH, Joe vs. Cobra/Spytroops/Valor vs. Venom, or 25th Anniversary figures?

The more info you can offer about what you're looking for, the better suggestions you'll receive, I think.

For the Spy Kids 2 1:18 line, they made a 4" guy in a three-piece business suit. He looks like Dr. Phil, but I imagine you could do a head swap.

The best pic I could find (figure's been repainted, but it's still intact): ... eapon3.jpg

If you're looking for something ARAH-styled, I've seen a lot of customizers use Headman's body for characters in business suits:

That's all I can think of at the moment, but good luck, dude!

by GunMunky86

if you wanted to span out of the joe verse, you may be able to use an alderan guard with new paint app and mods to create a somewhat of a buisnessman. good luck with your search TR

by roguetiger

Some Wal Marts carry the Bass Pro line of toys that has kids and sportsman looking figs in them and some other dio pieces. Not RAH or joe articution but more of a star wars articulation.

by yjagg

civilian or plain clothes are a little harder, and if articluation and style are not that important, than you can use some Super Hero Showdown figures, like biker wolverine, the tortured Han Solo has a good set of arms (not the best hands) for a suit jacket, also Good to Go Customs has a few nice custom torsos that you could use, JFAKs has a great Ron Reagn Head, hell I even used Micky D's happy meal toy either way you'll need a dremmel to shorten legs like the doc or to sand off the guns and ammo belts and some putty to make suit jacket lapels. But it's not that hard ...I mean if I can do it ...

by TunnelRat

Great thanks guys.

Being exactly like the Joes is not and issue. More just the right scale and can fit in in an environment. I have very little (zero) experience with customizing figures and or painting them, so that is out for me at the moment.

I will look into the advice received.


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