poisonbladed wrote:From an artistic standpoint there is something I don't get though. Why go through all the trouble to make the star wars guys into a more medievil look and give them lazer guns and light sabers.
He explains that on his site:
The idea behind the line was to diversify the look of the Star Wars universe, to play up the major character traits and backgrounds of the characters, but not so much that you can not tell what character you are looking at. Other than that, all bets were off. I sketched out most of the designs, some characters are faithful to the original, others are radically different.
This universe is intended to be hi-tech meets the middle ages, that accentuated the western cowboy & eastern samurai influences on Star Wars.
He's just tweaking established characters without completely changing what works about them. Darth Vader is still an evil dude in black armor. Luke Skywalker is still a farmer from a desert planet, etc.
Star Wars itself is such a great mix of influences that it lends itself to stuff like this. Besides, if he went in a completely medieval direction, the droids would probably have to go, and the cast just ain't the same without Threepio and Artoo.