How much is too much for a part (accessory)?

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by TR101AL

Hey all,
I've had a couple weeks where customs just happened left and right. Now I'm back to the "I'm stuck" groove on my latest. I really want to make the custom look right, but to do so the accessories seem a bit much (price-wise). What do you consider reasonable to complete a custom? Parts; i.e. guns, holsters, hats, helmets and such.

by ZombieGuide

I think thats a question only you can answer.

by carnage717

To be honest it all depends on what the part is. Ive been looking for parts for my Plague customs for the past week or so and just by asking around I have been able to make trades for most of the parts Im in need of. Maybe post a list of parts or accessories your looking for and see if anyone has them. I personally have a ton of weapons new sculpt, old scuplt and 25th that I refuse to get rid of in case some may need a part here or there.

by viperlord

It depends on what the part is. Heavy Metal's mic is going to command more than a Tomx/Xamot gun from the 2003 ers :)

Personally I always try and make due with something cheaper if the part is going to cost a fortune. There's always something similar that's cheaper/easier to find.

But in the end Zombieguide's right.

by Viper

Depends how bad I want to complete something. Sure I need a fantail railing for my Flagg, but I sure ain't paying the fortune it commands. Odds are another'll turn up at the store at some point anyway.

by Kambei

ZombieGuide wrote:I think thats a question only you can answer.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. It depends on what the market is and how badly you want a particular part.

I have met this problem head on many times. Been doing a custom and thought "No way am I paying that for a figure/part!" then gone on to and trawled through the picture archives looking for a cheaper alternative, sometimes finding something much better than my original idea. Or sculpt/kit-bash it.

I remember a thread somehwere that asked "What is the most you have spent makinh a custom". I think the most I ever spent was $40. If I remember, I needed about 5 different figures to make it.

by joemichaels70

Kambei wrote:
I remember a thread somehwere that asked "What is the most you have spent makinh a custom". I think the most I ever spent was $40. If I remember, I needed about 5 different figures to make it.

hm. that's an interesting thought... i think the most was probably in the $25 range, but usually 10-15, and quite a few of mine are under $5. until you figure in labor cost...

by narceron

joemichaels70 wrote:
Kambei wrote:
until you figure in labor cost...

Yeah, that will bring it DOWN quite a bit.

/runs away.

Wait, this railing, why not just cast it.

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