need help on little pepole custom

Got a tip to share? Have a question about the hobby? Need input on parts or weapons? Have great idea for a custom figure or vehicle? Too lazy to do it, or just want to share the idea with others? All that and more goes in here.
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by geminicrazy

Last edited by geminicrazy on Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

by Doc Rob


First, please don't shout. (Turn off the caps lock key). Thanks.

I'd recommend looking for one of the Pirates of Carribean figures (can't recall the name offhand) that was an actual dwarf; he came with a duckfoot (mutli-barrel) pistol and a monkey. These were pretty easy to find on clearance a few weeks ago, and will likely be showing up at places like Big Lots or Dollar General at some point. He's about your best bet for a base figure.

Alternatively Chap Mei also produced several dwarf figures, though these have limited articulation and most are armored, so they might not make good base figures; depends on how much modification you're willing to do.

by Darko

you could also use one of the Star Wars kid-sized figures (Anakin from episode 1, Boba Fett or the Clone Child from episode 2).

by roguetiger

Wal Mart carries the Bass Pro line of vehicles and such that have kids in them as well.

by momaw nadon

Not to sound like a dick or anything, but you should be careful on the use of that word. It's a PC thing, but you may offend someone using it. I would suggest little person or something else less derrogatory to them. They are people just like everyone else. There are words that I know you or I would not like to be called or see used in a public forum just because the offence factor. You might want to change your post title, just to be respectful of others.
momaw nadon

by nova

In ARAH style figures, the easiest place to cut height from a figure is in the ankles. It will depend a lot on your parts choice...If you choose a lower leg with a boot that comes up to about the middle of the leg Say Psyche Out V1 for the sake of can cut off Psyche Outs boots right below the cuff of the pants, then Take a drill or dremel and hollow out the cuff of the pants. trim the tops of the boots, or choose another set of feet with a thin enough diamater that they'll fit up into the hole you just drilled in the upper half of the lower leg.

Another place you can cut height from a joe is in the torso/waist joint. You can dremel out the waist cup, and grind down the bottom of the torso so they fit into eachother and leave a smaller foot print.

You can get into some serious customizing if you go down this may want to practice on some junk parts before you make your final run for a finished product...who may find a way that works better for you based on your skills and available tools.

Some suggestions on Customs to look at:

My Rashnapfigure from the Spacenoks Group Project
I beleive it was Carnage?7 who did an Admiral Hullbender and Ship Shape (Ship Shape is a midget Shipwreck) for beav...pretty sure they're in the gallery
Sidewinder's StarFoxfrom the Video Game Characters GP is the most amazing peice of work ever...don't look at it or you'll never be happy with what you come up with.

by cabanajack

momaw nadon wrote:Not to sound like a dick or anything, but you should be careful on the use of that word. It's a PC thing, but you may offend someone using it. I would suggest little person or something else less derrogatory to them. They are people just like everyone else. There are words that I know you or I would not like to be called or see used in a public forum just because the offence factor. You might want to change your post title, just to be respectful of others.
momaw nadon

Dude, you do sound like a prick. What has gotten into you lately!? First of all midget IS the appropriate term, so the only person could be offended is ignorant overly sensitive PC idiots. And that comes from the child of a MIDGET mother! Don't know what's gotten up your butt, but we have an entire midget song dedicated to one of our own midget JC members currently posted in another thread! We constantly make gay jokes about one another, etc etc. and have a running gay joke we dedicate a day of the year to. Not much PC going on around here. There is a very close knit community here, you've been around here, you're supposed to be a part of it. Why are you ripping on the newbie? Lets leave the moderating up to the moderators.


Edit: nevermind
Last edited by cabanajack on Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.


You could also use the Marvel Legends Showdown Moleman figure. He's a little chunky, but he's got great articulation for his size.

by Doc Rob

cabanajack wrote:Dude, you do sound like a prick. What has gotten into you lately!? First of all midget IS the appropriate term, so the only person could be offended is ignorant overly sensitive PC idiots. And that comes from the child of a MIDGET mother! Don't know what's gotten up your butt, but we have an entire midget song dedicated to one of our own midget JC members currently posted in another thread! We constantly make gay jokes about one another, etc etc. and have a running gay joke we dedicate a day of the year to. Not much PC going on around here. There is a very close knit community here, you've been around here, you're supposed to be a part of it. Why are you ripping on the newbie? Lets leave the moderating up to the moderators.


Edit: I miss-read your ID to be manwoaname - but you're not him you're a newbie yourself - that's even worse.

Whoa, whoa there boys! I'm not a mod (and neither are you) but I am up at this hour so I'll play peacemaker until one of them can take over--if you guys want to argue what's PC or not, please take it to PMs, okay, both of you? This is not the place for it. And whatever happened to the respect rule? Did somebody retract it when I wasn't looking? Because what I see here sure makes it seem as if it no longer exists.

For the record: Midget is a sportscar--the MG Midget was a tiny little two door convertible. My brother's best friend in high school owned one--two guys could pick it up and move it into a parking space.

A more appropriate term for someone of short stature would be dwarf or little person--I've heard both used by people who are of that stature, with dwarf being the more common verbiage. It depends, of course, on the individual and his preference.

BTW, momawnadon isn't a newbie, Cjack-he's been around the boards for a while.

by joemichaels70

i saw something about this on an episode of the english 'office'
'midget' is the term used for little people with correct proportions,
and 'dwarf' is used for little people with out-of-proportion limbs.

i believe the most pc term to use is 'tc'

by AdrienVeidt

Doc Rob wrote:A more appropriate term for someone of short stature would be dwarf or little person--I've heard both used by people who are of that stature, with dwarf being the more common verbiage. It depends, of course, on the individual and his preference.

'Dwarf' and 'midget' are not synonymous and interchangeable terms. A dwarf is an individual with a reasonably normal-sized head and torso, with shortened arms and legs, whereas a midget is an all-around smaller person still reasonably having normal proportions. Midgets are far rarer than dwarves, which I think is the root of why those having such conditions get irate about the definitions. The last midget in the public eye I can recall was Marlon Brando's sidekick in that Island of Dr Moreau remake like a decade ago; but dwarves are almost commonplace. Calling a dwarf a midget is synonymous with calling a deaf person blind.

Huh, I just realized that there are two types of 'smallness' disorders; but only one 'bigness' disorder. Giants are all pretty proportionate, being big all over. But there aren't any disorders where people have huge limbs with normal heads and torsos, or huge torsos with normal limbs. Huh, interesting from a genetic standpoint, where I'd think that such disorders of cells communicating with each other about how to make a proper-sized-and-proportioned person would be all over the place, not just in the smaller sizes of the spectrum.

The PoTC fig was named 'Marty'. And yeah, capslocking is just tacky.

by cabanajack

Thank you all for debating the definition after I just told you I am midget spawn - sure don't take my word for it , I'm sure your lack of a trip through a midget's birth canal somehow
makes you more informed on the subject :roll: - a dwarf has big butt, short arms etc, midgets, like my mom, have normal proportions but are all around smaller than the rest of us, for instance, my mother wears a size 2 shoe and clothes at Petite Sophisticate are too large. The medical difference between the two people is that Dwarfs typically express dwarfism as a symptom of some genetic defect, midgets have nothing genetically wrong with them, they're just runts of the litter; although the small stature may be the result of something medical - like childhood illness - or if your Grandmother was a nun the curse of God may have been put upon you. Doubtful, just saying.

My mom doesn't like it when I call her little midget but that's not because its not PC, but because I'm reminding her she's small - of course she doesn't mind reminding me she's small when she uses it as an excuse not to do somethng she wants me to do for her - like take out the trash or change her cats litter box. .

As someone who was "disciplined" his whole life by a midget - I can say with authority - it's okay to laugh at midgets - because it only makes them wale on you faster and harder with their short little arms which looks sillier, you laugh more, she beats harder (never hurts) - it's like you're gettiing whooped by Scrappy-Doo - and the whole spanking/beating becomes more entertaining than whatever you did in the first place to deserve it.

Speaking of whoopings, sorry I earned one from Doc Rob - I am more mad about the rude treatment of the newbie "over" PC standards than wanting to debate if Midgets are PC.

I'm also up at 4AM remodeling my office so that's why I haven't written my black history thread - I shouldn't even be writing this thread - now I'll have to skip midget bowling Sunday night.


by joemichaels70

wait, are you yelling at us, or not?

sometimes i can't tell with you...

by cabanajack

joemichaels70 wrote:wait, are you yelling at us, or not?

sometimes i can't tell with you...

Just my usual witty banter loaded with sarcasm, colorful lanquage, shock value, etc...and a lack of taking my Flinstones vitamins. How often do you get to gloat that you're descendant of nuns and midgets? How often do you get to publicly call yourself "midget spawn"? Not often for sure, yet it's a great choice of words, it's got such great potential entertainment value. They should make a comic evil villian named "midget spawn"

Unfortunately, ZombieGuide says I'm much more dull in person. :-/

So I farted on him and blamed it on his kid. ;-)

Seasoning the GI Joe online community for 11 years.

by AdrienVeidt

cabanajack wrote:Thank you all for debating the definition after I just told you I am midget spawn - sure don't take my word for it ,

Of course we'd have to debate the definitions after you 'told' us. Pretty much nothing is what you 'told' us. You simply said 'mdiget' is the proper term, but you didn't say what classification it's the proper term for. So if you don't like other people coming in after you supposedly covered territory you feel an amount of expertise on, then make sure you actually said something with content.

So there, bite us! :-P


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