I really, really, really hope somebody explained to you that there aren't any GI Joe toys down here anymore
At least until the Movie, anyway.
GI Joe stopped selling here originally after the ARAH line fell over. It didn't return until 2003 for Spy Troops though to the early stages of Valor Vs Venom. The line tanked, probably because of it's theme, I assume (obviously a toyline about an American special forces unit 'defending freedom' is going to have limited appeal outside of the United States).
The line ended in 2004-2005, IIRC, with piles of clearanced mechs, that VvV boat whose name I can't remember, and that ugly snake plane with the rotating turret. Interestingly, the then-prized Cobra Infantry six pack didn't shift as well, so Toys R Us, by then the only store to carry the line, was drowning in sets of blue-suited terrorists. I think they've been returned to Hasbro now.
From what I can tell, the GI Joe fanbase here is pretty bloody small, so you'll have a tough time finding fellow collectors to make trades and sales with.
On the plus side, our dollar is now near-parity with the US dollar, so ordering things from the US won't cost much more, but the postage might be a shock, as Malcolm notes.