25A Officer fix & Viper Glider pilot to Trooper fix

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by chrysophylax

I put this in here because it's more of a tip to the other customizers:




FOr the Officer, I painted the webgear, mask and kneepads dark grey (almost black) to match the original and still differentiate him from the Troopers. I also gave him Scarface's AK74.




To transform the VIper Glider Pilots into regular Troopers, I overlaid clear red paint on their silver chest sigils.

- JM

by HypnoHustler

See, I just took the legs and webgear from the single carded troopers, and swapped them onto Air Trooper torsos. So I have a bunch of red logo Troopers, and silver logo Air Troopers, since it makes sense to me for the Air Troopers to be an officer position (officer=silver sigil). Yours look good too.

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