Make your own Kusari-Gama

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by daremo

I thought I'd share how you can make your own Kusari-Gama.

Step 1. Tools and Supplies:


Hobby Knife
Small Saw
Super Glue
Sand Paper/File
Sheet Styrene (1mm thick)
3/32" Tube
Chain or Blackened Chain (approx. 20 links per inch)
Jackstay Eyebolts (.75mm or 1.5mm)

Step 2. Cut


Now cut two pieces of the tubing using a small saw. One will be for the handle (1") and the other will be for the weighted end (3/16"). Using the saw will allow you to avoid any crushing of the tube when you cut it. Sand the ends of both tubes. Cut a piece of the sheet styrene for the blade (5/8" X 3/16") with a hobby knife. Cut the chain with wire snips or a hobby knife (6").

Step 3. Shape


Take the piece of sheet styrene you cut and shape the blade. Round the corner from the top long side to the bottom short side with a hobby knife and sand it with a file or sand paper. Then sharpen the top and rounded side to simulate the edge of the blade.
Last edited by daremo on Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

by daremo

Step 4. Attach and Glue


Now we are ready to assemble the weapon. Glue the blade to the handle. Attach the jackstay eyebolts to both ends of the chain. I take a hobby knife to open the jackstay eyebolt up (it's not attached to itself). Then stick it through the chain and close it back up with your fingers or tweezers. Glue one jackstay eyebolt to the handle and the other to the weighted end. Use wire snips or a hobby knife to trim the jackstay eyebolts.

Step 5. Paint


Once everything has been attached and the glue has dried, it's time to paint. I'm using Testors Model Masters Acrylics. First, prime the weapon. Then paint the whole thing flat black. Paint the chain, blade, and the weighted end steel. Once the paint dries, seal it with Testors Glosscote or Dullcote.

A few Notes:
It's really best not to paint the chain. Get blackened chain or blacken the chain yourself and then drybrush steel over it. The chain works better this way.

You can get chain and Jackstay eyebolts here: ... UID=!+USID

You can get Styrene Sheets and 3/32" Tube here:

Good Luck!

See it in action!


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