Digital Camo???

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by trauma-hawk

Has anyone on this board experiment or do any digital camo on their customs. I am trying to figure out how to do the Army's digital camo on a tank commander I am working on. I have checked Joe wiki and it has nothing on digital. I am asking here to see if this vast community of customizers has any suggestions on how to paint the Army's ACU and the Marines MARPAT. Hope to do a Marine drill instructor next.
Thanks ahead of time for the help.

by Chief

See if this helps any:


I discuss my "technique" near the end of the thread - it actually wasn't that hard. It was a first attempt at painting an ACU pattern for me, but since I wear the damn things every day to work, I'd say I got close enough ;)

by Grand Ole Phil

Maybe if you took three or four different colors and used a pin or very small brush to blot the colors on randomly across the figure.

by GunMunky86

if you could find a small square sponge it would work. i dont have a pic, but i made some trial marpat designs on an old fig, and it came out great. you dont have to be too exact. all i did was layed my personal cammies out flat and studied the different sizes and shapes. im pretty sure the army's is very close to the marpat, just faded. but who wants to make a nasty ass army boy when you can make marines. nuff said

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