AdrienVeidt wrote:I think I saw some of these type of rifles with some of the Chap Mei Pirates figs. A blunderbuss figures quite prominently in my mind.
Tsunami wrote:Actually, Chap Mei pirates do have "seperated" bluderbus, and flintlocks. I think I have some downstairs if you want a pic, PM me.
DarkJedi wrote:I thought you were talking Old West rifles (etc) like the Winchester, Greener...
Maybe MJ needs to make some...
Marasai wrote:Aha! Jackpot! Hasbro has already made a very nice flintlock rifle. They've made several, actually. Their POTJ Tusken Raider Desert Sniper has one that is just about perfect aside from color, there's one in one of the EP I accessory packs, and yet another with the VTSC Tusken Raider. All that's needed really is just a bit of modding, like removing the scope and I could probably even remove the stock if I wanted. I think I just found what I was looking for and it was sitting right under my nose this whole time.
Out of curiosity though, anyone have that POTJ version they'd be willing to part with?