This is a follow up thread to a post awhile back regarding removing labels and stickers.
This video is an example of what I use and what works best for me. Hopefully, some of you guys can get something out of it as well:
remster_9 wrote:Cool video ZG!
So tell me again why I can't use a used Q-tip?
Mysterious Stranger wrote:These two video tutorials are prime candidates for the JCWiki. Maybe with a small write-up of the steps and materials as well.
ZombieGuide wrote:Lance Sputnik wrote:You have nice hands.
Thanks. Wait till the next video series.
joemichaels70 wrote:how are you holding the camera?
i hope this turns into a regular series...
joemichaels70 wrote:ZombieGuide wrote: if theres anything youd like to see, let me know.