Dremel sanding accessory

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by Scramble

I need to strip the paint and details from an ARAH Baroness torso and was looking for recommendations. I have a dremel but I'm not crazy about the sanding heads I have. Is there a gold standard everyone else uses?

by pluv

Those three in the upper left are what I use for light sanding like that. I do try to see what I can get off paint wise with a nail file first though.

by Scramble

There's a Joe Customs Wiki? :twisted:

by J_Man

For light sanding I use one of those battery operated fingernail sanders. It doesn't turn at a high enough rate of speed to melt the plastic, and the bits designed to "datil your nails" works great to sand the tight areas and work in fine detail.

by Scramble

What's one of those go for, J Man?

by Mysterious Stranger

Shouldn't this be in General Customizing?

by beav

Started by a mod and replied to by another yet not in the proper forum. :rollseyes:

by Scramble

Nothing general about this. And since we don't have a Specific Customizing subforum I... alright, I screwed up.

by gijoey

I like to use the large sand stone barrel for those types of jobs.

Scramble are you trying to turn that torso into a female blank? If so wouldn't it be easier and less work to use a ARAH Scarlett?

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