Starwars figure database and other figure databases?

Got a tip to share? Have a question about the hobby? Need input on parts or weapons? Have great idea for a custom figure or vehicle? Too lazy to do it, or just want to share the idea with others? All that and more goes in here.
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by Malcolm

Any one know any good sites for starwars figure databases and other figures?

As im looking for non Joe parts for a few customs, and it would be easier to find what im looking for using these websites first, before browsing through ebay.


*and yes i did mean starwars not starwards, I was late for work when i posted that.*
Last edited by Malcolm on Mon May 26, 2008 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

by roguetiger

Do you mean Star Wars???? If so then you want

by AdrienVeidt

RebelScum's navigation is *terrible*. Here's the page where all the pics start, their Photo Archive. However, you gotta know which 'Collection' a fig came out in or else you're hopeless in finding it. Why the hell isn't there a simple alphabetic listing like YoJoe has?

For other lines there's the 3 3/4th archives at ToyMania. If what you're looking for isn't at either of them sites, you screwed.

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