He needs a name!

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by Sgt.Rican

i need help in picking this characters name what does everyone think?
Suggestions are very welcome.
here are some names i was thinking about..
Lt. A. Hawk
Harry shaw
Miles Marker
Lt. Marcus.jpg
Lt. Marcus.jpg (18.54 KiB) Viewed 1116 times

by joemichaels70

in situations like this, i always recommend 'Garrison Keillor'

by Tim 121RVC

What's his bio? Military specialties? Thinking of these usually brings up a few names.

Tim 121RVC

by Keenan

I like Miles Marker.

by AdrienVeidt

Lt Reginald Percival Bentbottom III, Esquire.

by Kilcarr

AdrienVeidt wrote:Lt Reginald Percival Bentbottom III, Esquire.

No fair picking your own name.

by DarkJedi

Hmmmmmmm, he reminds me of Jingles or Sgt O'Day that worked with Flint and Lady Jaye to restore Destro back in control during that one Marvel story.

by ThMick

AdrienVeidt wrote:Lt Reginald Percival Bentbottom III, Esquire.


by ThMick

Kilcarr wrote:
AdrienVeidt wrote:Lt Reginald Percival Bentbottom III, Esquire.

No fair picking your own name.


by ThMick

What was the name of the little dude on the muppets that threw the boomerang fish?

No seriously, even before AV's post I was thinking that he looked "British" to me, so I'd go with something in that direction. Miles Marker seems okay.

by joemichaels70

Crazy Eddie, right?

by ThMick

joemichaels70 wrote:Crazy Eddie, right?

There's your name. :-D

by Sgt.Rican

i was kind of thinking that he was european or russian so i guess that i hit that mark.
thinking of him being in oktober guard.
Sgt O'Day, who is this guy i never heard of that story i'll do some searching for him.
although Lt Reginald Percival Bentbottom III, Esquire. is brilliant, i hate but think of Bill S. Preston Esquire lol

as far as a Bio
he is master in Pathfinder, and has the highest graduation score from the JFK School of special warfare.
he will set up traps and a perimeter that no one can surpass
he needs no camouflage because if you see him its to late you are already dead!
so thanks alot you guys rock!

by Malcolm


You cant go wrong, because it has the word boob in it.

by Tim 121RVC

Malcolm wrote:Boobytrap...
You cant go wrong, because it has the word boob in it.


Maybe Bloodhound or Pitfall?

Tim 121RVC


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