anybody have any luck taking a moustache off an ARAH joe?
if so, what method did you use? dremel? xacto? sandpaper?
just looking for some tips...
cabanajack wrote:definately dude, shave that crap off your face. What gives with that brillo pad on yoru face? You look like a confederate soldier. Sure, you'll look like a pre-pubescent boy with AIDS after you shave it clean (Hmm, kind of like Justin) but I think its the better way to go.
joemichaels70 wrote:anybody have any luck taking a moustache off an ARAH joe?
if so, what method did you use? dremel? xacto? sandpaper?
just looking for some tips...
cabanajack wrote:...What gives with that brillo pad on yoru face? ....
joemichaels70 wrote:
and i wouldn't want to take away your crown as the resident self-slammer...
cabanajack wrote:Leave my proficiency for rectal-cranial inversion out of this.
pluv wrote:I use all three. I start with a dremel and get as much off as I can, then X-acto even more off, and then sand off whatever remaining uneveness exists. Sometimes I have to add a little paint to the area to see what exactly needs more work.
So was I. In real life I shave my chins.raptor wrote:pluv wrote:I use all three. I start with a dremel and get as much off as I can, then X-acto even more off, and then sand off whatever remaining uneveness exists. Sometimes I have to add a little paint to the area to see what exactly needs more work.
No, we're talking about the toys, P, not your personal grooming.
- R
viperlord wrote:I used an emory board to take my Ball's off.
nova wrote:Exacto
Scratch the paint away then bit by bit take away the sculpted detail.
You may need to cut in details that aren't there, like the mouth.
be careful not to remove too much plastic...joe's still need their upper lip...but you don't want them looking like they're all puckerd up.
Shipwreck's head is a good one to try your skills on...I know I've got at least a half dozen if ya need a couple.