Ok, so this is really just a variation on what Darko and the gang have been doing for a while now.
I found the new Origins Iceman yesterday, but was upset because he was so short (about as small as Weapon X). Cyclops needed new forearms, but Iceman needed a whole new torso in order to size up with his counterparts. I was playing around swapping out torsos figuring I'd paint the torso like a uniform and then just leave the clear arms & legs. Then it hit me - why not just sculpt a torso extension with my nifty new low-temp glue gun (I've only used high-temp before, which explains why all my dios look crappy around the edges.)
So in about 5 minutes, I had this:
Sorry I didn't take any in-progress pics, but basically Bobby was shorter than the Wolvie figure above - like by a noticeable amount. You should be able to tell where I added the glue, since it's not as "ripped" as the rest of him, but with a quick clear-blue wash, it blended pretty well, IMO. Now he's just a bit shorter than Cyke, and his torso doesn't look so stubby anymore.
Basically, I started laying down layers of glue inside the upper torso, starting around the edges so I could maintain body continuity. Eventually, though - it globbed up a little bit, so I did a quick zap with my heat gun (on low) to re-melt the glue and smooth it out.
I might re-try it now that I've been semi-successful and see if I can make a better version.
Anyway, just thought I'd share -- cheers!