Torso: Modern Joe, but with back screw added. It would be so easy to add it, it's a crime they haven't. As an alternative, I really, really liked the torsos from the Wolverine Origins line. Great detail and playability. While they did not have the back screw, they at least had boil and pop arms. I would totally live with that as an alternative, if it was the best we got.
Arms: I think the current Joes are mostly getting this one right. Most of the poor choices made early in the 25th line have been resolved. I prefer the Joe arms over the MU arms (especially the female non-elbow arms), but the Wolverine Origins arms are just as nice as Joes.
Wrists/Hands: I can live with the swivel, but true ball joints would be cool. However, that presents an issue for customizing, as it's one more joint to paint. As it stands, I really dig the hinged wrists on some of the Star Wars clones. I'd offer that, but have at least one, if not two extra sets of hands in different poses, per figure.
Waist: as long as the torso has well done chest articulation, including the swivel, I prefer to not have the cut waist joint. sometimes too many moveable parts, in this scale, takes away from playability, and if not done well, the asthetics also.
Hips: anything but those god awful Wolverine Origins and now IM2 styled hip joints. Well...anything I guess other than swivel joints here. Star Wars needs to take this step. Just think how much money they'll make selling all the same figures again for the next 5 years with improved articulation! But I digress. Modern Joe hips are preferred. MU hips (same style, but plastic bar) is acceptable. MU AIM Soldier style is intriguing, with the extra swivel. I would use it with discretion though. If the cut joint doesn't fit in well with the sculpt, I would leave it out (as with, for example, bare legs.
Knees: I think most lines are getting these ok right now. I don't like the Star Wars type though, so I guess modern Joe and MU knees. Universal peg sizes would be a dream.
Head/Neck: No way to go other than neck ball, and I prefer the Joe sized socket over the huge Star Wars ones. Like Cap said though, universal is a must - and would be a dream if it were universal amongst all Hasbro lines. I'd also include multiple heads for each figure. Removable helmet or swappable unhelmeted head for everyone! and possibly one alt head per. This is where you use those screaming face sculpts - as the alt head, not as the only head for the figure.
If it came down to quick and dirty compromises, I'd totally live with WO styled figures (no back screw, but easy to remove arms), and Joe styled hip joints.
Having said all of this, I hope nothing so perfect comes along. I kind of prefer customizing them this way myself...
_________________ Kwinn_Lives wrote: you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award. Mysterious Stranger wrote: You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.