Brushes for a single color?
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Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Brushes for a single color?

I was going through my brushes trying to see what was still usable and what I needed to replace and it dawned on me that I have a few brushes that I only use for specific colors. Right now I just have specific brushes that I only use for red, white, and fleshtone. I also keep a brush for light colors and one for clear coat. I try to be diligent about cleaning the brushes and not dipping them all the way into the paint but I've found that certain colors just stick in the bristles, most notably red. So rather than fuss around with cleaning and cleaning and cleaning I just keep a brush just for reds. It also helps with white so I don't have any residual paint bleeding into the white and the same with fleshtone as those seem to be the ones that are hardest to get coverage with.

Anybody else do this?

Author:  Rambo [ Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brushes for a single color?

I just wash my brushes with thinner, then water and soap. Thinner removes all the residual paints.

Author:  pluv [ Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brushes for a single color?

I'm with Rambo. I use rubbing alcohol as I'm painting. I mean one dip in the alcohol takes away most paint residue.

Now, if I'm doing black, metallic, and white ot flesh all on on figure, I will grab 3 different brushes and maybe another for detail. Metallics take a bit more to clean and the sparkle shows through especially while in progress. That and sometimes I forget to wipe them and then mess up because the flesh pot now has black or silver in it.

And yes I do have another brush just for brush-on clear coating. Another for fine point super gluing. And another few for spray paints/enamels.

Author:  Cap [ Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brushes for a single color?

I keep a cup of brushes for single colors, for inks, for textured paints(sandstones and SnoFlex) and I keep two plastic cups marked "Art Cup" for both regular and metallics water. I learned the hard way that I had to mark my cups because I am often interrupted by the Mrs. when she hits a pinnacle in her gaming, and more than once I have taken a drink from my art cups without looking carefully.

For my airbrush, I have to keep myself in those glass bottles because I am constantly experimenting with paints and inks to create a truly hardy fleshtone.

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