It takes a lot to disassemble one of these birds. There are plugs that you nearly always have to drill out, as only in very few cases have I ever been able to remove them without damaging them in some way. Second you will have to deal with glue in some areas, as the screw in some places are not enough to keep it together. It is doable though.
If you want to know anything about bbi, JSI/Merit, 21st C, or any other 1/18 military toy visit ( That is about all those guys do over there and are very friendly to questions like this.
Also the F-18 has some problem, first the gear is rubbery and if you do not support it when displaying on the ground the gear starts to give way. The other is that the wings are not playable in that if you move them too much they tend to sag in the flight position. Great bird, and both are fixable, but just wanted to give you the heads up.
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