p-woundedwarrior.jpg [ 249.29 KiB | Viewed 1916 times ]
chad_ghost wrote:
Of course SS's arms will change, though the uppers might work. The waist was inspired by the Devil's Due pic.
I didn't have a Downtown head, but I like the Freefall. I would use Lightfoot's thighs.
I'll do Snake Eyes if you have no preference. Did you want to do the statue idea, with the filling of joints and all? If so, I could do base work on both figures and let you do that part.
Lastly, we need to decide on poses. The Wounder Warrior pose may be too difficult for RAH figs. We could use a pose from the comic, then make a backdrop of the comic merged with info about the Wounded Warrior project. Thoughts?
Tim 121RVC wrote:
Allright. I do have the Armadillo lower arms, so yeah, I'll do SS. Lower arm swap shouldn't be a problem, did that before. The recipe pics look good.
Here's what I had in mind: I'm gonna make a complete and finished SS in a comic pose so your SE will still fit onto his shoulder and I'll ship it to you. You make your SE and glue it on top of my SS.
Base could be either done by you or me. I don't have experience with basing, but there's a lot of tutorial stuff on the net (especially Warhammer) and I'm not afraid to give it a try. If you want to make the base, that's OK to me too.
chad_ghost wrote:
Mailing will be fine, just be sure you send a pic of how SE will fit with SS. I can make a base too. I've never filled joints, so maybe we won't do that
And it might keep with ARAH feel.
I feel we could use something like this:
https://www.toyarama.com/store/2011-3-3 ... c-p160.phpMatt said he could help make a backdrop, probably using issue #26 along with something like a Wound Warrior banner.
** Looking at SS's biceps: maybe Outback's would be better. I like the shorter sleeve look.