Citadel paint mixes?
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Author:  Tim 121RVC [ Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Citadel paint mixes?

I know this one exists, but I'm not using that kind:

I'm using Games Workshop Citadel paints (Red Gore, Chaos Black, Skull White etc. ) and I was wondering if there is a list of mixes using these colours to make Joe-like colours. For example, what should I mix to get Cobra Trooper Blue or Crimson Guard Red???

Tim 121RVC

Author:  ronin [ Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Citadel paint mixes?


In regards to the Cobra Trooper Blue, I noticed that their Enchanted Blue yields a very close similarity to the cartoon Cobra troopers. However, a match for the darker blue still evades me. I tried that Midnight Blue and it came off way too heavy almost purple. I did use a grey primer on that attempt and have yet to try it with a white primer though.

As for Crimson Guard red, I haven't tried that yet so I could not say.

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