1:18 compatible suit / tuxedo figure?
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Author:  DanOfTheDead [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  1:18 compatible suit / tuxedo figure?

I know there have been a few favorite base figures to use for suits or tuxedos, I'm looking for suggestions.

For RAH style, the Headman torso and waist with dress uniform Gung-Ho arms and legs is my favorite, but I'm looking for something more in line with 25thA style or current Star wars figures.

25th Shipwreck seems like he has potential if I can find him a suitable jacket and arms.

The Rebel Guard SW fig people have been using for dress-uniform army figures also is a possibility.

I know there was a spy kids figure that was popular for a while, any one remember the name?

Any other base figs that might work?

Author:  White Line Nightmare [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1:18 compatible suit / tuxedo figure?

I'm planning a figure where the character wears a suit and I'm starting with a 25th Cobra Trooper/Officer base.

If you're looking for something more formal, I'd go with that base because his collar is buttoned all the way up. Add a tie, jacket from a Star Wars figure, and some modded 25th Shipwreck legs, and you should be set.

Good To Go customs also has a tux torso that's in the new sculpt style.

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