Cleaning Paint Brushes -- Tips
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Author:  joemichaels70 [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Cleaning Paint Brushes -- Tips

so, to give back something to the community:

I just read a tip that says if you wash your brushes with a hint of dishwashing soap, it will give you softer bristles.

same bag o tricks recommends using magnets set in plywood to soften up your vise jaws, but that's not really
a paintbrush tip...

but, i also read that another use for your paintbrushes once they're trashed is to cut the brush end off to use the
wood or plastic handle as a stir stick. that is a paintbrush tip.


Author:  ZombieGuide [ Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleaning Paint Brushes -- Tips

also, never leave your brushes standing in a cup, lay them on a paper towel to dry. this way, the tips dont dry in a 'bent position, thus ruining them.

Author:  Lt_L1zrdking [ Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleaning Paint Brushes -- Tips

:shifty: Thanks ZG. I never realized thats what made my tips curl. I knew not to leave them bristles down, but I didnt think of bristles up. D'oh

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